Adventures In Farland by Moshank Relia (Book Review)

Adventures In Farland

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  • Genre: Children’s Fantasy
  • Publisher: Rumour Books India
  • Release Date: October 19th 2017
  • Pages: 70
  • Format: Paperback
  • My Rating: 4 stars

Mira and her friends Bira and Vira are on their way to Gunhill when they are meet Bushy, a funny man with ladybugs in his hair. He tells Mira that Princess Harmonica of Farland has invited her to attend the New Moon Party. Mira is very excited to hear that as she has heard stories of Farland from her mother all her life. She then embarks on an adventure in this magical land where she encounters various problems.

As soon as I started reading this book, I was struck by the writing style of the author as it was very beautiful and descriptive for a children’s book. I was glad that it wasn’t too simple since reading something like this would enhance a child’s vocabulary and reading abilities.

The story was adorable and I really enjoyed reading it. It was very imaginative and intriguing enough to keep my attention. It made me laugh at many moments. The illustrations were nice and simple. There were also many interesting characters that Mira meets in her journey.

This book was a quick read and its something I would read on a rainy day. It was very refreshing to read a light-hearted fairytale. With an attractive cover, this is a perfect children’s book and it could easily become a series of short stories with different adventures.

This is the kind of book I would love to gift someone because I know it would cheer them up. No matter what age you are, I recommend this book if you’re looking for something light-hearted to read.


Thanks to the author for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.



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