Interview with Jinal Shailesh Doshi, author of The Mystery Crackers

Hi everyone! I just posted the review of Tattooed Music (The Mystery Crackers #2) and today, I’m bringing you an interview with the author. The Mystery Crackers is a fascinating children’s mystery series. To know more about it, check out my review of the first book A Chest’s Tale.

Q1. Can you tell us a bit about yourself?

I am a self-published Novelist, Freelance Writer and a Creative English Teacher who wishes to share her creativity with as many people as possible.

Q2. What compelled you to write a children’s mystery series?

Through my childhood, I have been quite lured by the series of Enid Blyton, Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew and Harry Potter. There was a thirst in me to write something mysterious for children and eventually The Mystery Crackers series was born.

Q3. What are you currently working on and what can we expect from you in future?

Currently, I am working on the third book in the series – The Ritzy Martle. In future, I aspire to write better and better.

Q4. Do you think children’s books can appeal to an older audience?

Sure, children’s literature is fun to read and quite relaxing. In our stressed out life, children’s books can free us from immense tensions and take us to a happy world to have fun.

Q5. Which authors and books inspire your writing?

The series of Enid Blyton, Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew and Harry Potter.

Q6. What are you currently reading?

Currently, The Tibetan Folk Tales by A. L. Shelton has immersed me in it’s fascinating world.

Q7. What are your other interests besides writing?

I love to dance and travel to beautiful places present in the globe.

Q8. What advice can you give to budding authors?

Friends, Writing is a great challenge and if we transform it in to our passion, then, rewards are beyond anyone’s imagination.

Though practically, one has to face immense struggle and yet shine out as the best. That happens only when one listens to one’s heart and follows the inner voice.

Q9. Which has been the most important lesson that you have learned in your writing journey?

The most important lesson that I have learned during my writing journey is that every day is a learning day and we have to be our own competition to stay as the best loved writer.

Q10. If you had to give one reason to readers for reading the Mystery Crackers series, what would it be?

Reading The Mystery Crackers series will not only give the readers plenty of fun but also improve their knowledge, vocabulary, reading, writing and comprehensive skills. They will learn numerous ways to create their own stories and enhance the reading habit amongst everyone, especially, the young teenagers.

Huge thanks to the author for us this insightful interview!

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0 thoughts on “Interview with Jinal Shailesh Doshi, author of The Mystery Crackers”

  1. Tavleen, thank you for providing this interview. I sincerely appreciate what Ms. Shilesh-Doshi says about the positive effects of adults reading youth literature. Also, it was encouraging to read how she put the emphasis of author’s achievement on self-excelling in the craft of writing.
    I must acknowledge, although the content of publication may not be very violent, the book cover of Tattooted Music is uncomfortable to observe. Would this not be a concern for parents, teachers, and some young persons striving to uphold high moral standards in their lives?

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