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Genre: Young Adult Fantasy
Source: Review Copy
Format: Ebook
Pages: 322
Publication Date: October 2018
My Rating: 4.5 stars
Phillip, a 13-year-old boy, is killed and goes to Hell. The problem is that he wasn’t supposed to go to hell. He is a good boy who never lies and never hurts anyone. It was the school bully Sam, a heartless tormentor of his fellow students, who was supposed to die and become the devil’s successor in Hell. Lucifer is furious at the mistake as he was counting on Sam to take over his kingdom. He is left with no choice but to train Phillip to become a Devil from the Angel that he is.
The entire book takes place in Hell. However, it’s not the typical Hell. There is torture and evil all around but also, kids are going to school and people are doing their jobs just like on Earth. This setting was very strange but also very interesting to read.
Phillip struggles with his identity throughout the book. He is the complete opposite of the people around him. The book discusses right and wrong and how the lines are blurred. It makes you question whether evil is necessary for good, for the balance of the universe. There is also a lot of manipulation, especially of Phillip.
The characters in the book were very interesting. There is Lucifax, a talking cat who is regularly punished by his boss. Lucifer is hilarious rather than scary. Satina, a girl who befriends Phillip is sweet, even though she’s a devil. At times, Phillip felt a bit boring to be the protagonist. I found it strange that he never mentioned missing his family or the human world.
The writing of the book is quite simple and if it was a bit more detailed, it would have added more to the book. However, this book is originally in Danish so that’s understandable.
I flew through the last few pages as the plot got very exciting. The ending was really good. It wasn’t unique, but it was fun. I loved the cliffhanger, and I cannot wait to read the next book.
I would not suggest this book for very young readers as there are some violent situations and mentions of violence.
The Devil’s Apprentice is a great first book in YA fantasy series. If you’re looking for something fun and different, pick it up!