You told me once you write
I told you I do too
Did I make the cut in one of your stories?
How long did it take for me to become the villain?
Or worse
Did you end up making me a side character?
When you chose a different heroine
Don’t ask me about the story I write
I’m a sentimental fool
I don’t assign roles to people
They mean to me what they always did
I don’t edit my memory of them
My tale is better anyway
I have a habit of leaving stories unfinished
So that my characters don’t leave me
But that’s not the case with you
You are in a hurry to publish
You can’t wait to know how it ends
Which is why you don’t hold on
Which is why you edit characters
As per your convenience
But when will you understand?
There’s no such thing as a perfect story
No one likes cliches
So don’t write one
Don’t be one.
– Tavleen