Book Review: Amy & Roger’s Epic Detour by Morgan Matson

Amy & Roger's Epic Detour

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Genre: Young Adult, Contemporary

My Rating: 4.5 stars

Amy & Roger’s Epic Detour is a heartwarming YA, stand-alone book by Morgan Matson. Amy is dealing with her father’s death and Roger has problems of his own. The book follows them on a road trip to Connecticut.

This is the first time I read a road-trip book and it was this aspect that drew me to this it.

The trip is the root of the book. It is the main thing that made me like it so much. I really liked the playlists, notes and pictures in the book along with the descriptions of the food and hotels. I usually don’t like these things in books but they made the road trip feel more real. I felt like I was on the trip too and it reminded me of how much fun road trips can be.

Amy and Roger were pretty normal people, nothing remarkable about them. I liked how  Amy developed throughout the trip and dealt with her father’s death. The connection she had with her father was beautiful. I liked how Amy stood up to her mother but at the same time felt guilty and made sure she wasn’t worried about her.

I liked that the romance wasn’t the main focus of the book. I didn’t see much chemistry between Amy and Roger and I felt they would have been more suited for just a strong friendly bond . I also wish there had been some more insight on Roger.

The various people they meet throughout the trip made the book more interesting. This is an excellent contemporary book and I highly recommend it.

Also, the name of the book completely fits- It was a detour & it was epic 😀

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