March 2017 Wrap-Up

March started out quite stressful for me. I had exams for most of the month and when they got over, I didn’t feel like reading much. Despite that, I managed to finish 7 books. I was able to do that as most of them were very short.

I read 2 ebooks, 2 paperbacks and 3 audiobooks. Three of these books were from my Spring TBR List.

Books I Read

1. Ignite by Danielle RoglandIMG_20170312_155328

This is an upcoming dystopian book that releases in April. I was sent an early copy by the publisher. It has been a long time since I read a dystopian book so I was really excited for this. I wasn’t disappointed at all and I really enjoyed reading this book. I’ll post a full review of it soon. I rated it between 4 to 4.5 stars

2. Nine Plays for the School Stage


This is a collection of plays that I actually got from school when I was in 9th grade. I read only 5 of these because the other 4 were abridged extracts from full plays and I don’t like reading those. It’s a fairly good collection and I liked most of the plays. The ones I did read were “A Marriage Proposal” by Anton Chekhov, “Jahanara’s Brother” by Subhadra Sen Gupta, “The Dear Departed” by William Stanley Houghton, “The Post Office” by Rabindranath Tagore and “The Ugly Duckling” by A.A Milne. I give this book 4 stars.

3. Mudmen – The Quest For Humanity by Shitij Sharma

MUDMEN - The Quest For Humanity

Goodreads link

This is a very unique book. It has a very interesting concept – a man wipes out the whole world with a magical quill and a new one is created and creatures called mudmen are born. This book was a very refreshing read and I absolutely loved it. It is quite short and very easily readable. I will be posting a full review of it soon. I gave it 4.5 stars.

4. #FinishLine (GearShark #5) by Cambria Hebert

#FinishLine (GearShark, #5)

This is the latest book in the wonderful #GearShark series by Cambria Hebert. This is a New Adult Romance series and one of my favorites. I really enjoyed this continuation of Arrow and Hopper’s story. I really really really hope this is not the last book in the series. These characters are so lovable and I don’t want this series to end at all. I gave this book 4 stars

5. Grasshopper Jungle by Andrew Smith

Grasshopper Jungle

This book was just WOW! I don’t even know how to describe it. It was amazing. It was super weird. I loved it. I listened to the audiobook and it was great. I definitely have to read all of Andrew Smith’s books now. I gave this book 5 stars.

6. Donny’s Brain by Rona Munro

Donny's Brain

This was a very short, very well done and dramatic audiobook. The plot is that Donny wakes up from an accident and his memory from the past few years is gone. I did enjoy this audiobook but it was like watching an episode in the middle of a season. The production was great with sound effects and all but the story was lacking. I gave it 3.5 stars

7.  Six Creepy Tales by Edgar Allan Poe

Image result for six creepy tales by edgar allan poe

This was another audiobook that I just stumbled upon. I had never read anything by Edgar Allan Poe and I had no idea that he wrote horror. The stories were really creepy and psychotic. The recording was great and I really enjoyed it. I can’t wait to read more of his works.

I also read 2 poems this month:

1. Do not go gentle into that good night by Dylan Thomas

“Do not go gentle into that good night,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.”

2. Aedh Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven by W. B. Yeats

“I have spread my dreams under your feet;
Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.”

Songs I Listened To On Repeat

Shape of You by Ed Sheeran

Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran

Lay Me Down by Sam Smith

Seriously, how awesome is Ed Sheeran’s new album?

TV Shows and Movies

I didn’t watch any movies this month. I finished season 2 of Shadowhunters – all episodes that are currently out and I finished Game of Thrones till season 5.

Best Posts of This Month

February 2017 Wrap – Up

Spring TBR (March-April): Top 10 Tuesday #7

Authors I Want To Read More From

Authors I Want To Read More From: Part II

Book Review: As If It Was Yesterday By Henrike G. Forschler

Book Review: Angel In The Shadows By Amy Deason

Book Review: Take The Body And Run By Jada Ryker

The Sunshine Blogger Award

The Versatile Blogger Award

The Unique Blogger Award

Which books did you read this month? Which was your favorite? Let me know!

0 thoughts on “March 2017 Wrap-Up”

  1. Oooooh I love game of thrones!!!! Lol but I seriously can’t believe how many books you’ve read this month, and a lot of them sound really good!

  2. I’m glad you made it through March. Hope April is calmer for you. I bought Cambria Hebert book 1 on audio so I’ll try to listen to it this month. Music: Ed Shereen’s songs play tooooo much. I liked it until I heard him every 4 mins on various stations. I like “I feel it coming” by The Weeknd, “Rock-a-bye baby” by Clean Bandit, AnneMarie & Sean Paul; “Chained yo the Rhythm” by Katy Perry

    1. I really hope you like it! Let me know your thoughts on it 🙂 I know, Shape Of You has been playing non-stop recently. Thanks for these recommendations. I haven’t heard any of these but I’m going to now. I hope April is good for you 😀

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