Battling Injustice: 16 Women Nobel Peace Laureates by Supriya Vani (Book Review)

Battling Injustice: 16 Women Nobel Peace Laureates

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  • Genre: Non-Fiction
  • Release Date: October, 2017
  • Publisher: HarperCollins India
  • Pages: 496
  • Format: Paperback
  • My Rating: 5 stars

If you want to read a real-life account of selflessness, bravery and most of all humanity, then read this book.

Battling Injustice by journalist Supriya Vani tells the stories of 16 Women Nobel Peace Laureates. It took the author six years of research and interviews to bring this book to us and I cannot be more grateful.

The author’s writing is simple and very fluent. The section of each woman is written in a brief yet precise manner. It is clear that the author has done extensive research to bring to us the complete story. I liked that it wasn’t just a narration of the events but the author also offers her views at the end. By just reading the first part of this book, I was awed. The book is a slow read but at no point does it get boring.

Books like these show how important it is for us readers to read Non-Fiction. There is nothing more encouraging and inspiring than the stories of real-life heroes like these women. Bravery shone through these pages. The stories of these women were different but all equally inspiring and astonishing. I can honestly say I learned a lot by reading this book. The history of countries that I knew nothing about and the lives of their people.

A book like this makes you want to be a better person and do more for your society. Read this book if you need encouragement or if you need to feel grateful. A truly inspiring book that I’ll return to again and again.

“My motivation for writing this book is to inspire women, particularly young women and girls, for in their future lies the future of the world. It is from women that all of humanity owes its creation; it is only with women of the world at the centre of all human affairs that the safety and happiness of humanity may be secure.”

I recommend this book to each and every one of you. Books like this are gems that need to be read.

My heartiest thanks to the author for writing this book and to HarperCollins India for sending me a review copy.

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0 thoughts on “Battling Injustice: 16 Women Nobel Peace Laureates by Supriya Vani (Book Review)”

  1. Thanks. I’ll check it out. I think we often forget that women play a major role in society and history. I am glad that even more history books nowadays are focusing more on women instead of just men. There are many great women throughout history. It’s important that we learn from them.

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