June 2018 Wrap-Up- The One Where I Read 15 Books

Books I Read This Month.png

Hey everyone! How are you all?

First of all, apologies for not posting much in June. The reason was lack of some major motivation and stress. I’m glad I had the time off and now I’m ready to be productive again.

I still cannot believe I read 15 books in June! Even though many of these were very short books, I’ve never read this many books in one month. However, the best thing is that nine of these were books that I’ve had on my shelf for a very long time. I’m gonna continue reading books from my TBR this month too and I think I’ll make some very good progress soon. 

Books I Read

1. If I Had to Tell It Again by Gayathri Prabhu

If I Had to Tell It Again

My Rating- 4 stars

This book is a memoir of the author’s life with a focus on her deceased father. It is a very brave account of the author’s extremely difficult and traumatic life. I thank her for finding the courage to write her story and for giving me an opportunity to read it.

2. Confused Bastards by Manav Vigg

Confused Bastards

My Rating- 4 stars

Entertaining and funny. This book is a coming-of-age story of three guys in their 20’s and 30’s who start a platform for people to post videos on any of their opinions. I really enjoyed the author’s writing. Some parts were absolutely hilarious.

3. Current Show by Perumal Murugan, Translated by V. Geetha

Current Show

My Rating- 2 stars

I have seen people raving about Perumal Murugan’s books so I had some expectations when I started this. It turned out to be highly disappointing. I could not understand what the point of the story was. I appreciate the fact that the author was trying to highlight the struggles of people living in poverty but nothing else in the book made sense. The story was going nowhere and there was nothing in it to keep the reader engaged.

4. Stuck Like Lint by Shefali Tripathi Mehta

Stuck Like Lint

My Rating- 4 stars

This is what one can describe as a collection of stories within a collection of stories. An editor is reading an anthology by her former client and friend. I overall enjoyed this collection. What I liked was how unique the plots of the stories were. There were one or two stories that didn’t make sense to me but I really liked the rest. I loved the writing style of the author and her use of Indian words and references made it even better.

5. Train to Pakistan by Khushwant Singh

Train to Pakistan

My Rating- 4 stars

I have wanted to read this book for years and I finally got the courage too. It was as hard as people described it would be. I won’t go into too much detail since this is a popular book and everything one needs to know about it is already there. It was just heartbreaking. Besides that, I love Khushwant Singh’s writing and I need to get more of his books.

6. The Madness of Cambyses by Herodotus

The Madness of Cambyses

My Rating- 2 stars

I was actually excited to read this when I found out it was a historical account of a kind of insane king. Even though this book is less than 50 pages long, I could barely finish it because the writing was extremely boring and I lost interest in the story too.

7. The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger

The Catcher in the Rye

My Rating- 2.5 stars

Another disappointment. I have heard there are two kinds of people- those who absolutely loved this book and those who absolutely detested this book. I thought I would fall into the first category since its been compared to The Perks Of Being Wallflower (my favorite book of all time_ and said that it was inspired by this book. I understood some things that the book was trying to say but mostly I didn’t see the point of the story. I could see how some parts of TPOBAW were inspired by it. This book was just a bore and annoying at times. Also, I didn’t fully get Holden.

8. Unbreakable: an Autobiography by M.C. Mary Kom

Unbreakable: an Autobiography

My Rating- 4 stars

This book was inspiring, informative and enjoyable to read. I think we all can take something away from her story especially how she started in a poor household and made her way up all because of her exceptional hard-work. Books like these made us realize how privileged we are and how its not impossible to achieve our dreams no matter how high they are. Also, I’m not much into sports so I really liked learning about this field.

9. The Hidden Oracle (The Trials of Apollo #1) by Rick Riordan

The Hidden Oracle (The Trials of Apollo, #1)


My Rating- 4 stars

It took me much longer than it should have to read this book. While I did like it, I think I’m over my Rick Riordan phase and similar books. Besides that, I enjoyed this book more than Magnus Chase and the Sword Of Summer mainly because the protagonist is a God in this series instead of a demigod.

10. Jock Row by Sara Ney

Jock Row (Jock Hard, #1)

My Rating- 3.5 stars

I really enjoyed this sweet and fun romance book. I loved the build up to the main characters’ relationship. I wished they had more interactions with other people too since the book was completely focused on them. Most romance books have at-least one major fight between the couple but this story was all happy throughout. While I think this was something different from all romance books, it also made the story unrealistic and too sweet.

11. A Blogger’s Manifesto by Aman Mittal

A Blogger's Manifesto by Aman Mittal

My Rating- 4 stars

The reason I got this book is that its written by one of favorite book bloggers – Aman Mittal from Confessions of a Readahoilc . I discovered his blog a long time ago and I visit it often to check out new posts, reviews and blogging advice. I was delighted to find out that he had written a whole ebook about book blogging. When I started this book a few months ago, I was at a stage where I wanted to change a lot of things about my blog and I knew I’ll find some good advice in here. This book is simply written as it should be. There were a few errors in writing but they could be ignored.

I did find this book useful but I think it mainly benefits new bloggers. I already knew a lot of the stuff but did find some helpful tips. I will check on it regularly for advice as I have highlighted a lot in it.

12. The Kiss Quotient (The Kiss Quotient #1) by Helen Hoang

The Kiss Quotient (The Kiss Quotient, #1)

My Rating- 4 stars

This book really lived up to the hype! Its funny and sweet and sexy- a perfect romantic read. I cannot wait to read The Bride Test.

13. You Cannot Have All The Answers and Other Stories by Deepa Agarwal

You Cannot Have All The Answers and Other Stories

My Rating- 4 stars

Full Review

14. A Chest’s Tale (The Mystery Crackers Book 1) by Jinal Shailesh Doshi

A Chest's Tale (The Mystery Crackers Book 1)

My Rating- 4 stars

Full Review

15. The Blue Moon Day by Santhosh Sivaraj

The Blue Moon Day: Five Men's Magical Discovery enroute Life

My Rating- 3.45 stars

Full Review

I was in a really reading mood this month and so I didn’t watch any TV shows or listen to any new songs.


How was your month? Which was your favorite book? Let me know down below!


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0 thoughts on “June 2018 Wrap-Up- The One Where I Read 15 Books”

  1. I think I would like to try that blogger’s manifesto. As someone trying to revamp my blog I’d love the advice. The rest of the books (except Rick Riordan) are new to me.
    My favorite read this past month was Rebel Heir and Rebel Heart by Vi Keeland & Penelope Miller. Most of the other books were disappointing

  2. Impressive month of reading, and a great selection of books. Hope July is just as good. Happy reading!

  3. Wow, you had a really amazing reading month in June congrats on reading 15 books. I so wish I can read 15 books in one month as well, but alas I can’t I am always a busy bee at my home. Thank you so much for sharing your awesome post and for putting some of these books on my radar.

  4. I read 11 books in total which is too much for me 😂 and some of the ones I loved were Openly Straight, To Kill A Kingdom, Boy Meets Boy etc.

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