Unlocked Silences by Mukhpreet Khurana (Book Review)

Unlocked Silences

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  • Genre: Poetry
  • Publisher: Notion Press
  • Format: Paperback
  • Pages: 174
  • Publication Date: April 30, 2018
  • Source: Review Copy
  • My Rating: 4 stars

Goodreads Synopsis

Unlocked Silences is a collection of abstracts, poems and excerpts written on tissue papers over a couple of years. It is a dive deep into the circles of emotion, empathy, acceptance, healing and insights into a different perspective towards life. In the voice of a budding adolescent, the book cascades into day-to day-shortcomings, carved into poetry and at the same time, embraces you in silence and stillness of thought. The book is an attempt to connect with the reader, to reflect upon them, unbiased and together and embrace a new beginning. With simplified use of grammar and vocabulary, this book seeks nothing but the companionship of all. With this debut book, the author aims to connect to one and to all in the message and purpose of existence, the aid of spirituality and an ode to a beautiful journey called life.

My Thoughts

“Remember, if you cannot run, you can walk.

Remember, if you cannot walk,

You can give it a shot – you can crawl.”

I haven’t had much experience with classic or contemporary poets and so I was very excited to read this book. I can definitely say I wasn’t disappointed.

The book starts with a poem titled ‘Life Is Beautiful’. It was the perfect introduction to the book. It was indeed a simple yet beautiful poem about the moments in life we do and we should cherish. Almost every poem in this collection highlighted a message of positivity in life. Because of this, I find this book not only enjoyable but uplifting and inspiring too.

I really admire the writing style of the author. He makes a huge effort in not making the poems monotonous and to really deliver their meaning. I also really liked some of the empowering poems on women. One of my favorites from this collection was ‘Remains Of The Past’.

I liked the poems in the first half of the book more than the second half. There were many poems that I couldn’t really connect to and really feel them.

This book feels like a comforting friend. There are a number of beautiful lines in it that I will be definitely revisiting whenever life brings me down.

I highly recommend this book.


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0 thoughts on “Unlocked Silences by Mukhpreet Khurana (Book Review)”

  1. Great review, this one looks and sounds live a very beautiful and emotional read. I’m very glad you enjoy this book, thank you so much for sharing your awesome post.

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