The Lost Arcanum by Navin Reuben Dawson (Book Review)

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  • Format: Paperback
  • Pages: 464
  • Publisher: Invincible Publishers; 1st edition
  • Publication Date: 3 February 2018
  • Source: Review Copy
  • My Rating: 4 stars

Goodreads Blurb

Arcanum is a lost cache of esoteric wisdom guarded by a prehistoric secret brotherhood that besides holding dangerous information on disciplines ranging from metaphysical science, alchemy, advanced microbiology, anthropology and exhaustive cosmogony had known to contain, amongst many other, mankind’s greatest untold truth about his origin. It’s the subject of one of history’s intriguing mysteries that was lost to time. But now, the hunt to unearth that cache of lost esoteric wisdom has begun once more. On the verge of solving series of gruesome murders, CBI officer, Jake Stevens, is pulled from the investigation. Intrigued, Jake seek answers and eventually stumbles upon a link that connects his long dead father and the murders to a secret – The Lost Arcanum. The link – a meticulously crafted cipher propels Jake through labyrinth of ancient secrets, hidden history and unseen truths scattered across the mysterious landscape of India, drawing him closer to a devastating secret buried since the beginning of time. With an unexpected company of Taneez – a historian, entangled in a treacherous chase with a professional killer and covert organization, Jake find himself on a deadly collision course with forces of vengeance, greed, power and the lost history itself.

My Thoughts

The Lost Arcanum by Navin Reuben Dawson is a complex and adventurous story. It follows Jake Stevens who is trying to protect the ancient wisdom that could turn out to be very dangerous if found in the wrong hands. The chase starts when there’s a mysterious set of murders in Delhi and the story unfolds from there.

There was a lot of information in the beginning, and I found it difficult to keep my attention. However, the book soon became very intriguing even if it did drag at times.

The author does a fantastic job of creating a plot that is is action-packed and adventurous. It comprises elements of history, alchemy, fantasy, as well as science. The story is long but it keeps you hooked. The writing style and narrative are flawless to keep the reader engaged.

The main characters take us to many places in India. One thing I really appreciate is the amount of knowledge I gained by reading this book. The ending was unexpected but satisfactory.

I highly enjoyed this thrilling book. I recommend it if you’re looking for an enjoyable and different read.


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