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- Source: Review Copy
- Format: Paperback
- Pages: 112
- Publisher: Scholastic India
- Publication Date: 15 October 2019
- My Rating: 4 stars
Do you know which woman was the first mayor of Delhi? Do you know about the first female amputee in the world who climbed the Mount Everest?
If your answer is no, then there is a chance you don’t know about many such courageous and inspiring women because before reading this book, I didn’t either.
Girl Power: Indian Women Who Broke the Rules by Neha J Hiranandani briefly tells us the story of 50 Indian women who went against what society told them, overcame adversity and achieved their dreams.
This book is in the format of a graphic novel. I have to appreciate the exceptional artwork by Niloufer Wadia that complements the short-stories perfectly. I do wish that the stories were longer but since it is a children’s book, the length is appropriate.
This is an incredibly important book. In the hands of a little girl who has a dream that people tell her she cannot achieve, this book can be momentous in inspiring her. There were many women mentioned in this book who I knew nothing about. It made me realize that there are many inspiring women around us and there is so much I can learn from them.
Everyone faces difficulties in their life at some point or another. There is no hurdle that you cannot overcome and be who you want to be. This book is proof of that.
I recommend this book to everyone. This is a book that needs to be shared so if you are looking for a book to gift someone, pick this up!
Hi Tavleen. i think this book is the inception of women empowerment. Grt review by the way.
Please do check my review on durjoy dutta book
Good mam. Seems to be worth reading
It definitely is!