Harness the Power of the Invincible Mind: Spatial Strategy to Success and Happiness by Alex Neumann – Book Review

Harness the Power of the Invincible Mind: Spatial Strategy to Success and Happiness

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  • Source: Review Copy
  • Pages: 185
  • Publisher: Pearson Press
  • Publication Date: September 25, 2020
  • My Rating: 4/5


“Harness the Power of the Invincible Mind is one of those rare books with the power to radically change reader’s lives for the better.”

Alex Neumann makes wonderful guiding principles for anyone attempting to create a productive and satisfying life. He reveals the source of self-limiting beliefs that rob us of happiness and create needless suffering.

These incredibly profound, yet simple and practical teachings will inspire you to a grand new level of life clarity, confidence, purpose, and passion. An inspiring and practical roadmap with many great lessons to self-upliftment and to fulfill your dreams.

My Thoughts

I am glad I read this book because it is exactly what I needed to make me evaluate the direction that I’m heading towards career-wise and how my mental health has been lately.

I am one of the hustle culture success-seeking Gen Zs. Not only that, I’ve been naturally ambitious since I was a child and I generally consider it to be a positive quality that I possess. But I have to admit that everything that this book said about the market system made sense. The book mentions how capitalism and marketing make us believe that we need all these things to be happy (wealth, material possessions, fame, etc) and we don’t question it because we are too busy being a part of it. We are too busy making money and we don’t actually think about what we are seeking and why.

This short book managed to cover a lot of areas. There were many examples from history to substantiate some philosophical points. There were real-life and fictionalized examples.

The writing style of this book is slightly essay-like but it is engaging and easy to understand. The content of the book was not as basic as I have found many self-help books to be. The author tried to make us look at things in a different way rather than just preaching.

This book also gave a very interesting perspective on adversities. The key point being that having courage in the face of it completely changes how you can deal with them.

This book made me question my definition of success for myself and made me evaluate my sense of self-love. That will be my biggest takeaway from this book and I’ll surely revisit the many quotes I highlighted.

I did find some advice to be too idealistic. One can’t just decide to get over something by deciding it. There are some emotions that require the passage of time to get over.

This book gave me so many new perspectives as well as positive ways of looking at your life. The author did not try to oversimplify things which I have seen people do in this genre. He delved deep into the concepts that he talked about and clearly explained the advice that he gave.

This is a very logical and inspirational book. It encourages us to seek mental peace and gives us tips on how to live a better life.

Visit the author’s website: https://alexneumann.co/

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