Genre: Young Adult, Humor, Teen Fiction
My Rating: 4 stars
The Confessions of Georgia Nicolson series follows the miserable and wonderful life of a young teenage girl. It contains everything from discovering your changing body and hating it to experimenting with makeup and having your first crush. I had been meaning to read it for a very long time and finally got to it when i randomly picked it from my TBR jar.
Georgia Nicolson is funny, witty, moody and dramatic. This book chronicles her day-to-day experiences as a silly, young teen. She is always annoyed with her parents but loves her little sister Libby and her feisty cat Angus. She gets mad at her best friend Jax all the time but still comes back to her. She hates her teachers and gets in trouble for her humor. She hates her nose and wants to dye her hair blond but her mother won’t let her. She starts liking a boy named Robbie whom she refers to as “Sex God”. She experiences pretty much everything most 13-14 year old girls do.
Sounds like an interesting book.
You should give it a try!