Top 5 Wednesday #1: Books I Was Spoiled For

Top 5 Wednesday was created by Lainey. She’s an amazing booktuber. You can check out her YouTube channel gingerreadslainey and the Goodreads group.
This week’s topic is ‘Books I Was Spoiled For’. Now, i havent been spoiled for many books in my wonderful reading life, but the things that i have been spoiled for have been major ones. The credit for this goes to myself and Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

 1. The Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer


When i was about 11, i was very new to reading and the fictional world and hadn’t read many books. One day, my friend and i were just browsing on the computer, looking up cute teddies and some random things. We had heard of Twilight and were very interested in the story. We hadn’t got our hands on the books or movies yet, so we just looked it up on Wikipedia. There was a full plot summary there. So, naturally i read it. In fact, i read the plot summaries of all the books in the series. At that time, i didn’t even know what spoilers were. My Twilight experience wasn’t ruined but it would have been nice to read the books without knowing everything that was going to happen.

2. The Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling


The thing is, i watched all the Harry Potter movies before i read any of the books. I was introduced to the Wizarding World with the movies. My brother and i were huge fans and used to watch them every time they came on the television. I was 11 when the last movie came out. By that year, i had watched all the movies and after a few months only, i came across the books and marathoned through them.
I don’t remember if i was surprised by the events in the later movies or not, but i was never really surprised by anything when i read the books. Don’t get me wrong, i absolutely love the books and my reading experience was not spoiled by this in the slightest. I just sometimes wonder how it would have been if i had read the books without knowing everything already.

3. Mockingjay by Suzzane Collins

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Once again, the credit for this goes to my habit of looking up every book i read beforehand on Wikipedia.
When i read The Hunger Games, i wasn’t aware that it was a series. I looked it up on Wikipedia and came across Mockingjay. I was not going to read the whole plot summary but i scrolled through it anyway. One glance, and i was spoiled. I was spoiled for a very shocking thing that happens at the end of the book.
I still look up books on Wikipedia occasionally but now i have the sense to stay far away from the plot summary.

4. Allegiant by Veronica Roth

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I have only read Divergent from this trilogy. I knew many people had been spoiled for Allegiant and i was safely away from all of it. Well, until i got spoiled. However, i loved Divergent and still plan to read the rest of the trilogy.

5. Scarlett by Alexandra Ripley

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When i read Gone With The Wind by Margaret Mitchell in 2014, i was completely in love with the story. This book ends on a kind of a cliffhanger and the author has not written a sequel. However, there have been published sequels by other authors.
One if them is Scarlett by Alexandra Ripley. I couldn’t find this book anywhere at that time. I was desperate for an ending to the story. So once again, i read the whole plot summary on Wikipedia.
A few days later, i found this book in my school library. You can imagine my excitement and frustration.

0 thoughts on “Top 5 Wednesday #1: Books I Was Spoiled For”

  1. What was the thing you read in the ending of the plot for the Mockingjay?


    Katniss’ kids or prim’s death?
    Or was it something else which I can’t remember?

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