Book Review: The Reflections of Queen Snow White by David Meredith

The Reflections of Queen Snow White

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Genre: Fairy Tale Retelling

My Rating: 4 stars

I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review

The Reflections of Queen Snow White by David Meredith is the story of an aging Queen Snow White who has been in grief ever since her husband died. In the beginning, we see that Snow White is very disturbed and depressed even though her daughter’s wedding is about to commence. She is distracted and has no interest in the wedding affairs.The book follows as she is confronted with a mirror that forces her to relive her past and take a look at what her life has become. 

This book is quite short and it can probably be read in one or two sittings. Before going into this book, I had no idea what it was about and what it will be like. So it was a pleasant surprise when I began reading it.

I found it really interested that the protagonist of this book is a middle-aged woman. It is something that I haven’t found in many books that I have read. I liked that we move backwards starting from the present and learn about her past life.

I absolutely loved the writing! It was elegant and it flowed very well. It was one of the things that made me want to keep reading.

This is a really great story. The plot is very original and nothing like I’ve read before. I am usually not a fan of books that consist of flashbacks of the character’s life but it was done really well in this one. It is based on a fairy tale but the book is itself a fairy tale as well. It teaches us to move on with our lives and not be stuck in the past.

This book left me with a warm feeling in my heart. It is something very refreshing to read and I recommend it to everyone.

0 thoughts on “Book Review: The Reflections of Queen Snow White by David Meredith”

  1. I am a fan of fairytales, and I always appreciate retellings of such classics! Snow White retellings are plenty, but it is my first time seeing her aging and puts her in the spotlight! Will keep a lookout for it.

    Thanks for the post, great review 😀

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