The New Disney Princess Book Tag

Image result for disney princess wallpaper

I was tagged by the amazing Nadwa @ Painfully Fictional to do this tag. You all should definitely check out her blog if you haven’t already.

I’m not a huge Disney fan. I love most of the movies and shows I have watched from them but I haven’t watched many of the princesses movies. Nevertheless, this is a fun tag and I’m gonna do it as I liked the questions.                                                                                     

The Rules:

  • Mention where you saw the tag/thank whoever tagged you because that’s always good fun
  • Tag Book Princess Reviews and Zuky with our posts so we can check out the wonderful Princess fun throughout the blog world (Mine is this link and Zuky’s is here)
  • Play a game of tag at the end!

Snow White


This book (like the movie) started it all

Favorite Debut Book From an Author

Image result for deceived heena

For this, I’m gonna go with a book that I recently read- Deceived by Heena Rathore P. This book is a psychological thriller and is the debut book of the author. I found this book thrilling and scary and recommend you all check it out.



A diamond in the rough

Just Like Cinderella, You Either Didn’t Expect Much Out of This Character in the Beginning But Turned Out to Be a Total Jem

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Samantha from Every Last Word by Tamara Ireland Stone. In the beginning, I thought Sam’s story would be filled with teenage drama but the book turned out to be so much more than that. Her struggle with OCD and leaving friends that were bad influences was inspiring.



Sleeping beauty

A Book That Makes You Sleepy or Just Could Not Hold Your Attention

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The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare. I’ve been trying to read Shakespeare for ages but it just does not happen. The story of this play is interesting but it still isn’t holding my attention.



Under the sea

A Book With a Water/Ocean Setting

I just cannot this of any book for this one. How about you all recommend me some.



Beauty and the beast

Name a Book With the Best Bookworm/Book Lover

Image result for rafflesia the banished princess

Appu from Raflessia The Banished Princess. This is the only character I could think of who likes books. In this book, Appu reads the story of a princess in his childhood and it stays with him forever.



The thief and the princess

Name Book with an Unlikely Love Story (Either in Terms of Romance or a Book You Didn’t Expect to Love So Much)

Image result for wise and otherwise sudha murthy

Wise and Otherwise by Sudha Murty. I definitely did not expect this book to be so wonderful. This is a short story collection and contains very powerful and very read stories of human nature and the society we live in.



The real life princess

Name a Book that is Based on a Real Life Person You Want to Read/Have Read

Image result for how to be a bawse

I am dying to read How To Be A Bawse by Lilly Singh. I know this is a self-help book and not a memoir but I know this contains some stories from Lilly’s life. I am really hoping to get my hands on this book soon.



The princess that saved her country

Name the Fiercest Heroine You Know

The only one that comes to my mind is Hermione Granger. There is no one more brave or intelligent than her. I also haven’t read many books with fierce heroines but I’d like to change that.



The princess with the coolest and  most diverse crew

Name a diverse book whether it is a diverse set of characters (like Tiana’s group of Naveen, Louis, Ray, and more) or just diverse in general

For this, I’m just gonna say Rick Riordan’s books- the Percy Jackson series, Heroes of Olympus, Kane Chronicles and Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard. His books are extremely fun to read and generally have a diverse set of characters.



Let your longggg hair down

Name the Longest Book You’ve Ever Read

Gone With The Wind by Margaret Mitchell- 1037 pages



I determine my own fate

A Book Where There is No Love Story/Interest or Isn’t Needed

Ignite by Da nielle Rogland. This book has very little romance blooming and that too isn’t required to make it a good book


Image result for anna and elsa

Frozen hearts

A Book in a Winter/Cold Setting

Through the Woods by Emily Caroll



How far I’ll go

A Character That Goes on a Journey

Amy from Amy and Roger’s Epic Detour. Technically, she goes on a road trip but I think that was a journey for her as well.

I Tag:

Oh My Shelves


Write Through The Night


I hope you all enjoyed this post. Tell me your answers to these questions down below 🙂


0 thoughts on “The New Disney Princess Book Tag”

  1. Thank you so much for tagging me!!! I loved reading your answers… I haven’t read Rick Riordans books in so long but everyone’s talking about how diverse/amazing the new ones are so I feel like I should start one of his series again.

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