Book Haul- September 2017


Hello everyone! I acquired 9 books in September and I am very excited for all of them so without further delay, let’s get started.

1. How To Be A Bawse by Lilly Singh


This has been one of my most anticipated reads ever since it came out and I was finally able to buy it this month. This is a self-help/motivational book by the famous YouTuber Lilly Singh (Superwoman). I’ve been a fan of her videos, her personality and her spirit for years. I already started this book and I’m loving it so far. The illustrations are beautiful and it was totally worth it to buy the hardback edition.

2. Unlawful Justice by Vish Dhamija


This is a legal thriller and the sixth book by Vish Dhamija. I have already reviewed it here. Thanks to Writersmelon for sending me a copy.

3. You Never Know by Akash Verma


This is a romantic thriller. Thanks to Writersmelon for sending it to me for review.

4. Dharmayoddha Kalki: Avatar Of Vishnu by Kevin Missal


This is an upcoming mythological fantasy book that I’m very excited about. It releases on 14th October. Thanks to the author for sending it to me for review.

5. The Quest of the Sparrows by Kartik Sharma and Ravi Nirmal Sharma


This is a fictional spiritual book and it sounds very interesting. Thanks to the author for the review copy.

6. The Boy from Pataliputra by Rahul Mitra


Amazon link

This is a historical fiction book. Thanks to the author for sending it to me for review.

7. Immortal India by Amish


This is the first non-fiction novel by Amish Tripathi, the author of the mythological Shiva trilogy and Ram Chandra series. It is a collection of articles and speeches. I haven’t read anything by this author but it’s on my priority list. I won this book in a Twitter context.

8. Man of Her Match by Sakshama Puri Dhariwal


This is a romantic comedy that released a few months back. Thanks to Aditi from A Thousand Words A Million Books as I won this book in her giveaway. If you haven’t checked out her blog yet, you really should.

9. The Last Vicerine by Rhiannon Jenkins Tsang


This is also a recent release. I won it in a giveaway hosted my The Book Satchel, one of my favorite book blogs. Thanks to Penguin India for sending it to me.


Have you read any of these books? What are you currently reading? Let me know down below!



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