Tell Tale by Jeffrey Archer (Book Review)

Tell Tale

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  • Genre: Short Stories
  • Release Date: November 2nd 2017
  • Publisher: Macmillan
  • Pages: 288
  • Format: Paperback
  • My Rating: 4 stars

Tell Tale by Jeffrey Archer is a collection of stories inspired by the people the author has met throughout his travels. The majority of stories are inspired by real-life events and a few are fictional. They are all set in different places and countries featuring many interesting situations that the characters face.

Jeffrey Archer is another writer that has been on my TBR for a long time so I was very excited when I got the opportunity to read Tell Tale. Since I wasn’t familiar with his writing or stories, I didn’t know what to expect. What I do love are short story collections and this collection is a fascinating compilation of stories.

Right after the first story, my hopes went up. Many of them had an element of mystery and a surprising revelation at the end. I could also see a pattern of deception. The stories were very well crafted. They were not too short or too long and just gave enough closure. They were all gripping and the plots were unique and yet, not over the top. Many of the stories left me speechless. All were set in different places, many of which I hadn’t even heard of.

Each story stood out individually. The author’s story-telling skills are amazing. I really enjoyed reading this book. It is a good collection. The stories weren’t mind-blowing but they were excellent just the same.

My favorites were Who Killed The Mayor?, A Gentlemen and a Scholar, A Wasted Hour and The Road To Damascus.

I’m really looking forward to Kane and Abel and the Clifton Chronicles


Thanks to Pan Macmillan India for a review copy of this book. All opinions are honest and unbiased.


Which are your favorite books by the author?




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