Shhh! Don’t Talk About Mental Health by Arjun Gupta

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In the 19th year of his life, Yashasvi tried to end his life. Follow the journey of Yashasvi and millions of other people who are tormented by their own minds. This is not a self-help book. Mental health is no longer just about helping yourself. It is a movement against an invisible crisis that breeds inside our minds. A crisis that makes you question the voice in your head. Yes, the same voice that is reading this out to you.

True stories, research, statistics, and facts. This book will convince you why mental health cannot be just about self-help anymore, and why people like Yashasvi need our help.

This is an extremely informative and well-researched book, full of factual information. However, that shouldn’t in any way stop you from picking it up. The author’s writing style makes it very easy to read.

This book will inform you of several things regarding mental health that the general public does not know of. It breaks stereotypes about people suffering from mental illnesses and it tells us what we can do, as individuals and as a community to combat the stigma around mental health and to generate more awareness so that the right help and treatment can be given.

The book also gives us the history and origination of mental health and how the concept evolved through the years. The author talks about mental health, the organizations in work, and the role media has played in it, specific to India as well which I really appreciate.

We need to talk more about mental health. We need to start by having discussions and sharing honest feelings within our community and friends. We need to educate ourselves on this topic. We need to absolutely stop using the terms “crazy” and “abnormal” for people suffering from serious mental issues. We need to learn the difference between sad and depressed and know when to use the right term. We need to remember to not say things like “Just get over it.” We need to be sensitive and helpful.

We can all start by reading and using the Internet to better quip ourselves with the correct knowledge.

I flew through this book. It opened my mind to many things I was not aware of. I thanks the author for writing it.

Have you read any books about mental health? Any favorites, especially non-fiction?

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