Books I Read In August 2020 | Reading Wrap-Up

It’s been a while since I did a monthly reading-wrap up. It’s mainly because well, I forget to do wrap-ups. Life has been crazy for all of us in the past few months. I finally took the plunge in July to shift the blog to a self-hosted platform and redesigned it a bit. It feels good to have finally done that and I feel that I have started a new phase in my blogging journey.

I’m juggling between a lot of things these days so I don’t know how regularly I’ll post, but I want to post at least once or twice every week. I think that’s a schedule I can actually stick to.

August felt like a very very long month to me. Reading-wise, it was pretty good.

Midnight Sun (Twilight, #5)

Paid To Proofread by Suzanne Gilad 5/5

This book is a comprehensive guide to start a freelance career in proofreading. I would highly recommend it. Read my review here.

A Time of Prophecy (The Outlands Pentalogy #5) by Rebecca Crunden 4/5

This is the final book in the Outlands series. I really enjoyed it and I’m so sad to be saying goodbye to these characters. The Outlands is an amazing diverse and exciting dystopian series. Read my review here.

The Night and the Land (The Deschembine Trilogy Book 1) by Matt Spencer 3.5/5

This is the first book in a dark fantasy series. Read my review here.

Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer 5/5

I enjoyed reading Midnight Sun alot. Read my thoughts on it here.

You Are a Badass at Making Money: Master the Mindset of Wealth by Jen Sincero 5/5

This book just hit me. It is exactly what I needed right at this time to get a better perspective on where I am headed in my career. Part of this book gives practical advice on how to get richer and the rest is about shifting your mindset regarding money.

I Am a Goal Digger by Puja Mohan 4/5

A short workbook on how to set and organize your goals.

Unfu*k Yourself: Get Out of Your Head and Into Your Life by Gary John Bishop 2/5

This was the exact opposite of You Are A Badass At Making Money for me. It didn’t have anything I hadn’t read in a different self-improvement book before.

Quiet Girl in a Noisy World: An Introvert’s Story by Debbie Tung 3/5

An illustrated book describing what life is like for some of us introverts. It was relatable but I felt like I had already seen all these illustrations before.

How to Be Perfectly Unhappy by Matthew Inman 4/5

This is a very quick read. It gives a very interesting perspective on what happiness is.

Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad

I read this for college. It was really hard for me to get through this. I barely understood anything. As I’m studying it, I’m understanding it more and about the horrific atrocities during the colonization of Congo.

The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri 5/5

This book was an absolutely amazing read. I read this for my Indian Diaspora paper.

The Music of What Happens by Bill Konigsberg 4/5

I think I liked this book more than I thought I would. Two boys work at a food truck and fall in love. The book includes some very serious themes as well.

I’ll Be the One by Lyla Lee 4/5

Sky is a bisexual Korean-American teenager who participates in a K-pop competition. This book follows her journey through the competition, the body-shaming and fatphobia she constantly deals with and her romance with a model called Henry Cho. This book also has two adorable side characters.

Ignited Emotions by Devanshi Sanghani 3/5

A short collection of poems. It was an okay read.

How was August for you? What was your favorite book?

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