Appointment with Yesterday by Christopher Stratakis- A WWII Immigrant Experience Novel (Spotlight & Giveaway)

On Writing Rituals by Ronald L. Ruiz- Author of Life Long (Guest Post, Book Spotlight & Giveaway)

 On Writing Rituals by Ronald L. Ruiz

I write in a small, reconverted room next to our kitchen which I can close off from the rest of the house. A big window has been put into one of the outside walls and I have a wonderful view of two mountains which often change colors as the sun moves. When there is too much activity or noise in the kitchen, I move to our bedroom and use a desk there.        

A Year in the Company of Freaks by Teresa Neumann (Guest Post, Book Spotlight & Giveaway)

Book Details:

  • Book Title: A Year in the Company of Freaks by Teresa Neumann
  • Category: Adult Fiction, 515 pages
  • Genre: Historical Fiction
  • Publisher: All’s Well House
  • Release date: Dec 21, 2015
  • Tour dates: Sept 11 to 29, 2017
  • Content Rating: PG + M (Little violence and profanity, no f-words, no sex, but some drug use)