Interview & Guest Post by Michael Phillip Cash, Author of “The After House”

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The After House by Micheal Phillip Cash

Paperback: 212 pages

Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (September 30, 2014)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1500600369

ISBN-13: 978-1500600365

About The Book:

Remy Galway and her daughter Olivia are rebuilding their life after a failed marriage in a 300 year old cottage in historic Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island. Little do they know, another occupant is lurking in the haven of their own home. Will the After House be their shelter or their tomb?


“Ghosts of Our Past” by Michael Phillip Cash

I’m sitting here in my den, laptop where it should be (on my lap), and I’m watching my new (old) favorite channel – MTV Live. I grew up on MTV. It was Channel 29 for the first 20 years of my life and it was on 24/7.  Then, for some generation-killing reason, some corporate guy at Viacom decided to stop airing music videos, so they went full on into reality TV.

I don’t like anything about reality TV, except a Tony Robbins show on NBC that aired many moons ago. I love music, and I love watching live shows, so this channel has become my therapy for when I’m writing – which is what I’m doing now.

One of my favorite bands, Eagles of Death Metal, is on MTV Live right now. They’re playing live in Paris, and they’re wearing red feathers on their shirts. I liked the Eagles of Death Metal in the past, but watching them playing now, live, I LOVE THEM. Absolutely love them!

I’m not one to point out something negative, but the Eagles of Death Metal were playing during the Paris terrorist attacks in November 2015 at The Bataclan. I remember watching the news thinking of the horror everyone at the concert was going through. People lost their lives that night because of a senseless act of violence. But now I’m watching this band play live on MTV and let me tell you they are tighter, better and stronger than ever. This band witnessed hell in front of their eyes and here they are, playing harder and louder than ever before.

Should the ghosts of our past stop us from moving forward from accomplishing what we were born to do? The answer is a resounding HELL NO! Nothing, absolutely nothing, should stop you from doing what you love. I’ve personally had some setbacks in life, sour life changes that made life a bit more difficult. Our past should not represent our future. Anthony Robbins said that. We must forge ahead and create our future.

When you write, it’s easy to get caught up in the emotions of the past. Your characters could have been people you knew, loved or hated. Stopping what you love because of a setback is not living. Curling up and not moving forward is not what we are intended to do.  Everyone has setbacks. All setbacks are simply steppingstones to getting where you want to be. No past-life ghosts should haunt you for more than ten minutes. Life is too short to be dwelling on ‘what happened’ in the past. The past is prologue to your life now.

If you are reading this, you are alive, and breathing, and well. Life is good and you should be grateful that you have an opportunity to wake up every day and thank everything and everyone for taking those first steps in the morning. Every day above ground is a good day. Anthony Robbins said that too.

Now, please excuse me. This live performance from the Eagles of Death Metal has gotten my blood so pumped up, I have to continue writing more of my current manuscript.

“And then we dance all through the whole night.” – Eagles of Death Metal

Author Interview

Please tell us about The After House:

My version of a haunted house tale told from the ghost’s point of view.

Where did the idea for the book come from?

I was watching Maleficent with my wife and I loved that the story was told from the “villain’s” point of view. I had an idea about a whale-hunting ghost named Eli for a while. After the movie was over, I started writing that night.

Many of your books have a paranormal vibe. Have you always been interested in the paranormal?

I love paranormal. You can write a good ghost story in a million different ways.  I’ve had ghosts in my life since as far back as I can remember.

You’ve written several books over the years. How do you find the time to write?

During the day, all I do is research and development about my subject. Once my kids are tucked in and my wife goes to sleep I write every night until my eyes go – generally from 8pm to midnight.

What kinds of things do you like to do when you’re not writing?

Long walks on the beach.  KIDDING! I love being with my wife and kids. I love to cook. Nothing wrong with a good poker game every once in a while. I also started lifting heavy weights.

What kinds of books are on your bookshelf? What’s on your TBR list?

Every screenplay imaginable. Anything by Joseph Campbell. The Save the Cat Series. Every book on The Law of Attraction and The Universe. All Michael Crichton. My TBR List: The Flat Earth Conspiracy, Tools of the Titans, Eat Bacon & Don’t Jog, the Revenant screenplay.

What would readers be surprised to know about you?

I haven’t eaten bread, rice, pasta or potatoes in 6 years. I haven’t eaten fruit or vegetables in 3 years. I only eat meat, dairy and butter – and I’ve never been healthier.

How can readers connect with you?

@michaelpcash. I’m a Twitter fiend. Via my website. Also on Facebook.

Can readers expect any new books from you soon?

Oh yeah. I have an amazing agent who is planning on some very big things for my upcoming books.

As a successful author and scriptwriter, what advice can you give aspiring authors?

Write every day. Have a journal on hand wherever you go, so if you hear someone say something intriguing you can use it in your next work.

About Michael Phillip Cash

Book Tour for The After House: Michael Phillip Cash Author Photo

Michael Phillip Cash is an award-winning novelist and screenwriter. His novels are best-sellers on Amazon under their genres – Young Adult, Thriller, Suspense, Ghost, Action Adventure, Fantasy, Paranormal Romance and Horror.

Michael writes full-time and lives on the North Shore of Long Island with his wonderful wife and screaming children. You can follow him @michaelpcash.

Readers are invited to connect with Michael on:

Author Website


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