Bookish Discovery #3

Hello everyone. I hope you are all doing well 🙂

As you might know, me and Mridula started a series of weekly posts called Bookish Discovery This Week. We have decided to not make this a weekly thing as both of us are unable to post every week.

So I welcome you all to my Bookish Discovery #3. 

I recently went to Kamla Nagar market in Delhi to buy some books and this is what I got.

I got these beautiful hardcover editions of the Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix and Half-Blood Prince (not the other books in the picture) and with this…my set is complete! I finally have all the books in the series. I’ve literally wanted this since I was a child and I feel so happy now.

The best thing that came out of this trip was that I found 2 little bookshops hidden in the corner of the market which is where I bought these books from. They had a huge collection, mostly second-hand books but it was breathtaking. I bought these for 300 and 350 INR. I definitely plan on going there again soon. 

0 thoughts on “Bookish Discovery #3”

  1. Dang that’s cheap! o.o

    Btw I didn’t know where to put this so I’m putting on the latest post- your home button is broken.
    It doesn’t have the colin before the two slashes so it doesn’t work.
    So.. it would be great if you could fix it. 🙂 (bottom left)

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