August 2017 Wrap-Up

Hello everyone! How are you all doing? I present to you all a little late August Wrap-Up.

So I decided to slow down a bit and focus more on my studies than reading and blogging. It’s my last year of school and I had exams from 11th September so it was high time I studied. Also, my laptop broke down so I couldn’t really write much. But guess what happened? I fractured my toe. Yes, the smallest toe on my right foot. It might not sound like a big deal and I thought so too. But apparently, I am not allowed to walk and they’ve wrapped up my whole foot till my calf with a huge plaster. I have to wear it for 3 weeks and I can’t walk much for the first week atleast. Because of this, I can’t even give my damn exams.

Anyways, I’m sure you guys don’t want to read about my toe-whining so I’ll just tell you what’s upcoming. I may get a laptop in September so there might be more posts. I am trying my hardest to focus the most on my studies but reading and blogging are basically my life so I can’t help it okay?

Now let us finally begin with my August wrap-up.                                                                         

Books I Read

1. Cobalt Blue by Sachin Kundalkar, translated by Jerry Pinto

Cobalt Blue



My rating- 4.5 stars

Originally written in Marathi, this book was translated in English by Jerry Pinto. When a couple of friends recommended this book, i instantly looked it up and was very intrigued by the plot. Cobalt Blue follows the story of siblings Anuja and Tanay. Their lives are completely changed when a paying guest comes to live with them. Both of them fall for him and the book shows how both of their lives are separately affected by him.

This book was a very powerful, emotional read. I read it in one sitting and it was one of the most engaging books I have ever read. I loved the writing and how poetic and gripping it was. I honestly don’t know how to describe how I felt about this book but I’m very glad I read it. The first part of the book is what stood out for me. The pain, the love and the sadness and the beautiful way in which the story was told was absolutely amazing. I highly recommend this book.

2. Chronux by Sagar Kamath



My rating- 3 stars

This book was sent to me by the author for review and I finally finished it after 2 months. What i can say is that this book had a lot of potential and it could’ve been better if it was carried out well. I’ve done a full review of this book and you can check it out here- Chronux by Sagar Kamath (Book Review)

3. Harappa: Curse of the Blood Riverby Vineet Bajpai

HARAPPA: Curse of the Blood River



My rating- 4 stars

Thanks to The Readers Cosmos for sending this book to me for review. This book was so much fun! I honestly didn’t expect that this book would be perfect. The cover is gorgeous, the writing was flawless and the plot was very exciting. Harappa is the first book in a series and I can’t wait for the second book Pralay which comes out next year. You can read my full review of this book here- Harappa – Curse of the Blood River by Vineet Bajpai (Book Review)

4. 10 Essentials to The Blueprint of Happiness by Bhanu Arora

10 Essentials to The Blueprint of Happiness



My rating- 3.5 stars

Thanks to Writers Melon for sending this book to me for review. This is a self-help book that aims to provide a 10 step blueprint of happiness. I have both good and bad things to say about this book. You can read my full review of it here- 10 Essentials to The Blueprint of Happiness by Bhanu Arora (Book Review)

Tv Shows Watched

I finished watching Shadowhunters Season 2B and this season got so silly towards the end. The only reason I was watching was Malec and because I wanted to see Clace happen. Also, that scene in the last episode with Jace was so epic in the books but it was so boring in the show.

I’ll say this show was fun to watch at times and I’m grateful for the Malec scenes but overall, it was a mess.

Game of Thrones Season 7- I can’t believe that its over and we have to wait for so long for season 8! Anyways, I don’t really have much to say. I’m not over-analysing verything that happened or forming crazy theories, I’m just enjoying the show as it goes.

Teen wolf Season 2B– I have started watching it and I’m only 3 episodes in. So far so good.

Ever since I finished Teen Wolf, I’ve been in bad need of a long tv show and while searching for sitcoms, I stumbled across Community. After the first few episodes, I almost gave up because I thought this show was very mediocre- the way I felt about Two and a Half Men. But i’m so freaking glad I didn’t and I just finished this show yesterday. I badly wanted a friendship sitcom like How I Met Your Mother and I loved what this show had. It was creative, different, even weird at times but I loved it. If you guys know what I should watch after this, please let me know.

Songs I Listened To On Repeat

I know you guys are probably tired of seeing me always talking about Ed Sheeran here but I can’t help how amazing he is. So these are the songs I listened to on repeat this month-

Happier by Ed Sheeran

Supermarket Flowers by Ed Sheeran

This Month’s Posts

Chronux by Sagar Kamath (Book Review)

Harappa – Curse of the Blood River by Vineet Bajpai

Second Chance by Dr. Sandeep Jatwa (Book Review)

Messed Up! But All for Love by Arvind Parashar (Book Review)

Bookish Discovery #3

The Invitation by Tyfany Williams (Guest Post, Spotlight & Giveaway)

July 2017 Wrap-Up & Blogging Update

July 2017 Haul


How was your month? Which books did you read? Let me know down below!



0 thoughts on “August 2017 Wrap-Up”

  1. August wrap up on september 12 xD

    Btw, sorry to hear about your toe. But, assuming you’re in 12th(ur 17years), how can you afford to miss your exams? Another kid in my school also broke his leg or something, but he came to school on crutches and gave his exam in a room on the ground floor.

    Which laptop are you getting? hmu and I’ll give you some killer tips

    Eyy my exams started on the 11th too! And I’m totally not procrastinating right now >.<

    1. Haha. Best wishes for your exams! Yes, I’m in 12th. The exams that are currently happening are SA-1. Basically, they are conducted by the school to test how much we are learnt and because these exams are happening for other classes too. Since I’m in 12th, these exams won’t be counted in my final board result so they’re irrelevant. I totally wouldn’t be missing them if they were important! I wish I was getting a new laptop but I’m justing getting my brother’s who’s coming home in a couple of days. Hope your exams go well 😀

      1. They don’t count in the final score? lol, I didn’t know that. But that’s only Indian colleges which look only at board scores.
        btw doesn’t really matter what laptop it is or whose it was- I’ll still give you some killer tips(any windows/microsoft office/antivirus/software etc. for free). You can like contact me thru someway, or I can email you my address. Just lemme know

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