Top 5 Wednesday #2: Least Favorite Book In My Favorite Series

Top 5 Wednesday is created by Lainey. She’s an amazing booktuber. You can check out her YouTube channel gingerreadslainey and the Goodreads group.

This week’s T5W topic is “Least Favorite Book From My Favorite Series”. This list was quite difficult to make but i finally got it together. Also, I’m not including the Harry Potter series here as i just couldn’t pick a least favorite book from it.

Top 10 Tuesday #1: Ten Of The Best Books I’ve Read Recently

Top 10 Tuesday is a weekly book meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and this week’s topic is “Ten Of The Best Books I’ve Read Recently”. This is my first Top 10 Tuesday post. Its an amazing meme and i will be doing it as often as i can. So here’s my list in the order of how recently i read them.

My 2015 Reading Review

2015 was a pretty good reading year for me. I read 145 books (I know! Amazing, right?) which were mostly contemporaries. Other than that, I read quite a lot of series- 4 of them Fantasy, few Children and Non-Fiction books and 8 Classics.

I discovered many great authors and i hope to do more of that this year. I also read 5 poems. All of them were for school but i really enjoyed them.

Overall, it was a very satisfactory year. Here are 5 books and series that i loved the most in this year.

Top 5 Wednesday #1: Books I Was Spoiled For

Top 5 Wednesday was created by Lainey. She’s an amazing booktuber. You can check out her YouTube channel gingerreadslainey and the Goodreads group.
This week’s topic is ‘Books I Was Spoiled For’. Now, i havent been spoiled for many books in my wonderful reading life, but the things that i have been spoiled for have been major ones. The credit for this goes to myself and Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.