My TBR Jar Tasks Completed In 2016

In the beginning of 2016, I made a post called My Reading More Diversely Jar/ My Ultimate TBR Jar. Basically, I made a list of all the books that I wanted to read and a lot of reading tasks that i wanted to do to make myself try new authors and genres. I cut them into little slips and put them into a jar.


Throughout the year, I took out a slip every few weeks and read that book or completed that task and pasted the slips in my journal after completing them.

My 2016 Reading Review

Even though I only read 74 books in 2016 in caparison to 145 books in 2015, it was still a pretty good reading year. I tried some great new authors and read many good books. Besides this, the highlight of 2016 for me is this blog. I started Travelling Through Words and worked on it. I designed my own banner. I posted book reviews and a lot of other posts. I made connections with other bloggers, bookstagrammers and authors. For me, these are the best accomplishments I made this year.

I also completed my 1 year blogging anniversary this month. With this, I want to give a huge thank you to all the people who read my posts, followed my blog, commented on it, liked it and just everyone who supported me. THANK YOU SO MUCH <3

All this said, lets get started with my 2016 reading journey!