Inkredia – Luwan of Brida by Sarang Mahajan (Book Review)

Inkredia - Luwan of Brida

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  • Format: Paperback
  • Pages: 388
  • Publisher: Gloryburg
  • Publication Date:  January 1st 2011
  • Source: Review Copy
  • My Rating: 4 stars

Pralay: The Great Deluge (Harappa Series #2) by Vineet Bajpai (Book Review)

Pralay: The Great Deluge (Harappa) (Harappa Series) by [Bajpai, Vineet]

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  • Genre: Fantasy. Mythology
  • Release Date: January 10th 2018
  • Publisher:  VB Performance LLP
  • Pages: 323
  • Format: Paperback
  • Source: Review Copy
  • My Rating: 4 stars