Change Me by Jasmin Waldmann (Book Review)

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  • Genre: Personal Development
  • Publisher: Jaico Publishing House
  • Source: Review Copy
  • Format: Paperback
  • Pages: 248
  • Publication Date: 1 January 2018
  • My Rating: 4 stars

Goodreads Blurb

Amit Malhotra, 35, is a high-flying investment banker who loves his gut and all things gourmet. Amit is living the proverbial good life, which includes a loving family, a successful career and a luxurious life – albeit with a paunch.

When a pretty twenty-something calls him ‘uncle’ by mistake, the young corporate honcho is forced to evaluate his lifestyle. As if that weren’t enough, Amit has to face the harsh realities of his fast-paced life when he loses a close friend and colleague to a fatal heart attack in the middle of a conference.

After this shock to his system, the gym-hating, food-binging couch potato realizes that he will have to change his ways before a heart attack claims him too. But will he be able to accomplish this steep climb?

Change Me captures in detail a common man’s inspiring journey towards holistic fitness with the help of a life coach. Join Amit as he discovers his true being – his mind, body and spirit – and marches towards a healthy, fulfilling future.

Jasmin Waldmann is a renowned life coach and fitness expert. She is the inventor of Pilardio®, a concept that combines Pilates and Cardio, and the developer of JaWa Diet.

My Thoughts

The book starts with a very relatable prologue by author. This book is written in a very clever way. Instead of making it a self-help book, the author took us through Amit’s journey of improving his life.

This was also very easy and quick to read. It doesn’t get dull at all. There is a lot of much-needed advice in it. You just have to reflect as you read.

I really loved reading this book. I highly recommend this book to everyone.

Thanks to Writersmelon for a review copy of this book.

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