- Genre: Historical Fiction
- Format: Hardcover
- Source: Review Copy
- Pages: 448
- Publisher: Hachette India
- Publication Date: December 3, 2018
- My Rating: 3 stars
(Warning- Contains spoilers for the book)
Genre: Historical Fiction, Mystery, Fantasy
My Rating: 4 stars
I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review
Constant Guests is the debut novel of Patricia Nedelea. It is a mixture of historical fiction, mystery and fantasy. It consists of four story-lines set in present-day France; Translyvania, 1991; Tuscany, 1389 and Patmos, c.100.
Hi! This is my third post of these wonderful memes. The book I’ll be be writing about today is Egg and Spoon by Gregory Mcguire. Its a historical fiction, fantasy book that I recently found. I’m currently listening to the audiobook version of this book and really enjoying it. It is very well done and the narration is quite good.