Tag: books read
June 2018 Wrap-Up- The One Where I Read 15 Books
Hey everyone! How are you all?
First of all, apologies for not posting much in June. The reason was lack of some major motivation and stress. I’m glad I had the time off and now I’m ready to be productive again.
I still cannot believe I read 15 books in June! Even though many of these were very short books, I’ve never read this many books in one month. However, the best thing is that nine of these were books that I’ve had on my shelf for a very long time. I’m gonna continue reading books from my TBR this month too and I think I’ll make some very good progress soon.
January-March 2018 Wrap-Up
Hey everyone! How are you all?
Did you miss me? Did you miss me? Yes, read that in Moriarty’s creepy voice. Anyways, its the middle of April and my exams ended about a week ago so I’m back to blogging and reading. These past months were really stressful. However, I am officially done with high school and I’m ready to move on.
I did manage to read 10 books in these 3 months.
All The Books I Read in 2017
Hi everyone! How are you all?
Before I post my favorite reads of the year, I thought it would be fun to show you guys all the books I read in 2017. Since there are 65 books, I’m only going to tell you their names. I have categorized the books according to their genres.
Click on the names and it will take you either to my review of that book or the Goodreads page. Let’s get started 😀
Dangerous Games by Danielle Steel (Book Review)
- Genre: Fiction
- Publisher: Macmillan India
- Release Date: March 9, 2017
- Pages: 320
- My Rating: 3.5 stars
April 2017 Wrap-Up
April was an okayish month for me in terms of reading. The first two weeks I wasn’t reading much and my school started after that so it got quite busy. The good thing is that I managed to read 6 books and that, good collection too. Two books had been on my TBR list for a long time, two were review books and the remaining two were audiobooks, one of which was a classic. I’m not going to tell all of my thoughts on these books as I plan to do reviews of most of them.
February 2017 Wrap-Up
Hi everyone! How was February for you? It was a stressful month for me. I had a few tests this month and I have my final exams staring from Thursday. Despite all this, I managed to read 4 books. You can also see my January Wrap-Up here.
Book Review: Girlgoyle (Hollow Mountain Butterfly, Book 1) by Better Hero Army
Genre: Young Adult, Paranormal, Fantasy
My Rating: 4 stars
I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.
Girlgoyle is the story of 14 year old Tiffany who is killed in her bedroom by a ghost called Bones. The story continues as she is immersed into an unfamiliar world filled with gargoyles.
January 2017 Reads
Hello everyone! This is the first time i am doing a month reading wrap-up and I’m hoping to do a lot of these this year. January was a pretty good reading month for me. I finished 6 books. All of these were sent to me for review by their author. I have been lately focusing solely on review books as I want to be done with them.