Ten Book Series I Want To Finish

Hey everyone!

For the last year or so, I haven’t been big on series. I have started a few series but haven’t completed any. I used to binge read series but I guess I have just lost the patience to do that and I simply read more stand-alones now. So today I’m gonna share with you all the series that I do plan to finish.

1. The Dark Artifices by Cassandra Clare

Image result for the dark artifices

Books I Want To Read Before 2017 Ends

Hi everyone! How are you all doing?

Its September and there are only 3 and half months left before this year ends. I made a list in February called My To-Be-Read Books. It was basically a list of books I wanted to read this year. As the months passed, I read some of them and decided to not read some of them. So in conclusion, I have 7 books at the moment that I want to read before this year ends. Most of the books on this list are quite long but I’m determined to finish all of them. So let’s get started-