Tag: non fiction
Are You Dating a Liar?: 12 Handwriting Strokes that Reveal You are Dating a Liar by Manhardeep Singh

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- Genre: Non-fiction
- Source: Review Copy
- Format: Kindle
- Pages: 49
- Publisher: Readers Era
- Publication Date: 1 July 2016
- My Rating: 4 stars
Suvarna Mohur: India’s Glorious History Illustrated Through Rare Coins by Arun Ramamurthy

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- Genre: Non-fiction, History
- Format: Hardcover
- Source: Review Copy
- Pages: 86
- Publisher: Notion Press
- Publication Date: November 5th, 2018
- My Rating: 4 stars
My Allahabad Story by Himendra Nath Varma (Book Review)
- Genre: Autobiography/Memoir
- Publisher: Bloomsbury India
- Pages: 232
- Format: Paperback
- Source: Review Copy
- My Rating: 3.5 stars
Battling Injustice: 16 Women Nobel Peace Laureates by Supriya Vani (Book Review)
- Genre: Non-Fiction
- Release Date: October, 2017
- Publisher: HarperCollins India
- Pages: 496
- Format: Paperback
- My Rating: 5 stars
Non-Fiction Recommendations #NonFictionNovember
Hi everyone! How are you all doing? This month is #nonfictionnovember and I couldn’t be more happy about that. Non-fiction and self-help are genres that I’ve been loving lately. I’m currently in the middle of a few titles as well and I’ll write about them in my wrap-up. For now, I’m going to share with you guys my five favorite non-fiction books.
Tips for Happiness in the Shadow of Cancer by Dr. Meenu Walia
- Publisher: Prabhat Prakashan
- Release Date: February 8th 2016
- Pages: 160
- Format: Paperback
Wise and Otherwise by Sudha Murty (Book Review)
- Genre: Non-Fiction, Anthology
- Publisher: Penguin ndia
- Release Date: January 1, 2008
- Pages: 232
- Format: Paperback
- My Rating: 5 stars
3 Self-Help Books On My Radar (Bookish Discovery #4)
Hi everyone! I have recently been really interested in self-help books. They may seem boring and preachy but I’ve come to realize that a lot of them are actually pretty interesting and useful. I definitely plan to read more self-help and non-fiction books in the future. Today, I wanted to share with you all the ones that I am most excited about.
Bookish Discovery This Week is a weekly meme hosted by me and Mridula from Ecstatic Yet Chaotic. In this, we talk about something new that we discovered which is book related. It can be something that is recently created or discovered or it can be something old that you just discovered or you are interested in. Basically anything that is related to books. You can also share some news or talk about something that caught your eye. All book lovers are welcome to join us 🙂
10 Essentials to The Blueprint of Happiness by Bhanu Arora (Book Review)
- Genre: Non-Fiction, Self-help
- Publisher: Power Publisher
- Release Date: April 2017
- Pages: 140
- My Rating: 3.5 stars
Speaking with Strategic Impact by Kate LeVan (Book Spotlight and Giveaway)
This book is a must-read if you’re a consultant, analyst, pitch team leader, roadshow executive, technology specialist, project manager, internal or external marketer, sales rep, subject matter expert or innovator.
The Most Needed and Least Taught Skill: Awareness By Jae Ellard- Guest Post & Spotlight
Book Description:
Believe it or not, stress isn’t all bad; in fact, it’s an important part of the natural world. Stress helps us survive as a species – because of that we want the ability to be stressed. That said, being able to manage stress with greater success is the difference between surviving and THRIVING. Success with Stress explores five simple ideas to spark your personal power to change the level, duration, and frequency of the stress in your life. With workplace stress being linked to quality of life, health, and workplace morale, this is a must-read for any team looking to improve morale and individuals looking to improve their quality of life.
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