Are You Dating a Liar?: 12 Handwriting Strokes that Reveal You are Dating a Liar by Manhardeep Singh

Are You Dating a Liar?: 12 Handwriting Strokes that Reveal You are Dating a Liar (Handwriting Expert)

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  • Genre: Non-fiction
  • Source: Review Copy
  • Format: Kindle
  • Pages: 49
  • Publisher: Readers Era
  • Publication Date:  1 July 2016
  • My Rating: 4 stars

The Small Bachelor by P.G Wodehouse

The Small Bachelor

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  • Genre: Fiction, Humor
  • Publisher (This edition): Arrow
  • Release Date: October 2nd 2008 (first published in 1927)
  • Pages: 320
  • Format: Paperback
  • My Rating: 4.5 stars

Mudmen – The Quest For Humanity by Shitij Sharma (Book Review)

MUDMEN - The Quest For Humanity

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Genre: Fiction, Fantasy, Post-Apocalyptic

My Rating: 4.5 stars

I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.

Mudmen is the second book by author Shitij Sharma. It is a stark contrast from his first book The Girl From Rostov which is a thriller. The story begins when a man wipes out the whole world and creates a new one with a magical quill and creatures called mudmen are born. He hopes to create a better world but some things go wrong and the new creatures created are not what he expected.     

Book Review: Angel in the Shadows by Amy Deason

Angel in the Shadows

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Genre: Romance

My Rating: 3 stars

I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.

Angel in the Shadows is a dark romance book by Amy Deason. It follows the story of Madison  who is a simple photographer when she meets Seth Reynolds at a charity event. Her life is turned upside down and she faces one danger after another.

Book Spotlight: Dreaming Sophia by Melissa Muldoon

Hey everyone! Today, I have a very interesting book recommendation for you. Dreaming Sophia by Melissa Muldoon is an exciting blend of Italy, language, art, and culture. Do check it out if it seems interesting to you. Below is all the information you need:

Dreaming Sophia flat.jpg


Book Review: Girlgoyle (Hollow Mountain Butterfly, Book 1) by Better Hero Army


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Genre: Young Adult, Paranormal, Fantasy

My Rating: 4 stars

I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.

Girlgoyle is the story of 14 year old Tiffany who is killed in her bedroom by a ghost called Bones. The story continues as she is immersed into an unfamiliar world filled with gargoyles.