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- Genre: Young Adult Fantasy
- Source: Review Copy
- Format: Ebook
- Pages: 327
- Publication Date: October 2018
- My Rating: 4 stars
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Genre: Young Adult Fantasy
Source: Review Copy
Format: Ebook
Pages: 322
Publication Date: October 2018
My Rating: 4.5 stars
Kalki has been called “A Mythological phenomeon” by Sunday Guardian. It has become a National Bestseller and been taken up by Fingerprint Publishing. The second edition releases soon.
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Hi everyone! Today, I wanted to tell you all about a Young Adult Fantasy trilogy called Talisman Of El by Al Stone. Below is everything you need to know.
Hello everyone! This month, I had the opportunity to read and review an amazing Mythological Fantasy book- Kalki by Kevin Missal. Huge thanks to the author for the chance and he was also kind enough to answer a few questions I had.
Hi everyone! Today, I wanted to tell you guys about a mytholgical fantasy book that releases on October 14th. I will be reading and reviewing it soon. Here’s everything you need to know:
Hello everyone!! So I’ve never posted a book haul before but I’ve wanted to for such a long time. The thing is I only buy about 1 or 2 books a month, only sometimes more. I always thought I don’t have many books to include in a book haul post. But now I’ve decided I’ll post a book haul whenever I’ve acquired a few book.
This haul includes all the books I’ve got in the first three months of 2017. It has a total of 9 books – 3 of these I bought myself, 4 were sent to me to review and 2 of these I won from giveaways.
Top 10 Tuesday is a weekly book meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. For future Top Ten Tuesday topics & info on how to participate, click here.
Hi everyone! How are you all? My exams just got over and I’m soo relieved. I’ve got a one month break before my last year of high school starts and I am planning to read and write a lot in this month. These are the books I’m planning to read in the remaining days of March and in April. Its quite a long list but I really need to get to these books soon.
Hi everyone! How was February for you? It was a stressful month for me. I had a few tests this month and I have my final exams staring from Thursday. Despite all this, I managed to read 4 books. You can also see my January Wrap-Up here.