- Genre: Historical Fiction, Science Fiction, Fantasy
- Publisher: Becomeshakespeare.com
- Release Date: March 9, 2017
- Pages: 462
- My Rating: 3 stars
Tag: reading
Zombie Book Tag
Hey everyone! Today, I bring to you a very fun tag. Thanks to Galaxy Locks for tagging me to do it. Do check out her blog!
- Choose 5 books!
- Randomly set up your books in order.
- Flip to a random page in the book and write the first two names you see.
- Put the names in the categories listed below in the order you saw them!
- Cry at how screwed you are…
Against All Odds by Danielle Steel (Book Review)
- Genre: Fiction, Adult, Family
- Publisher: Pan Macmillan
- Release Date: May 19, 2017
- Pages: 337
- My Rating: 3.5 stars
Speaking with Strategic Impact by Kate LeVan (Book Spotlight and Giveaway)
This book is a must-read if you’re a consultant, analyst, pitch team leader, roadshow executive, technology specialist, project manager, internal or external marketer, sales rep, subject matter expert or innovator.
Lauren Carr’s Audiobook-a-palooza Blog Tour (Spotlight, Giveaway & Interview with Narrator CJ McAllister)
Welcome to Lauren Carr’s Audiobook-a-palooza Blog Tour! To celebrate the release of Lauren Carr’s mysteries in audiobook format, we have 14 books from her three series on tour!
To follow the tour and to read reviews, please visit Lauren Carr’s page on iRead Book Tours.
May 2017 Wrap-Up
In terms of reading, May was a good month. In the beginning, I was reading very slowly but towards the end my summer holidays started and then I was reading like crazy.
I managed to complete 8 books out of which 4 were sent to me for review. Also, 6 books were paperbacks and 2 were ebooks.
My Classics TBR
A major part of the books I own are classics, and a huge portion of that part is unread.
I say that classical literature is one my favorite genres. That is mainly because I have enjoyed almost every classic I have read so far. I love the long stories, the complex plots and the beautiful writing. However, I cant deny the fact that classics take much more time and effort to read than other books. Because of this, I always lag behind on reading them.
Today I want to share with you all some classic books that are sitting on my shelf unread.
My Biggest Book Haul- April 2017
I said in my first book haul post that I don’t do monthly book hauls because I don’t collect a lot of books in a month
That changed last month.
I accumulated a total of 14 books in April. That in itself is more than the books I collected in the whole of 2016. Six of these books I have already talked about in my used books haul post in the middle of April. I’m going to tell you a little bit about the rest of them.
May TBR – The Month of Readalongs
Hey everyone! I’ve never done a monthly TBR post before because I know I will end up not following it. However, this month there are 4 books that I’m definitely going to read so I thought I would share them with you.
April 2017 Wrap-Up
April was an okayish month for me in terms of reading. The first two weeks I wasn’t reading much and my school started after that so it got quite busy. The good thing is that I managed to read 6 books and that, good collection too. Two books had been on my TBR list for a long time, two were review books and the remaining two were audiobooks, one of which was a classic. I’m not going to tell all of my thoughts on these books as I plan to do reviews of most of them.
Dewey’s 24 Hour Readathon Wrap-Up
Hi everyone! I don’t know if any of you noticed, but I haven’t posted anything for the last five days and I hate myself for that. It was mainly because I didn’t pre-write any posts and it’s hard for me to write on weekdays while school is going on. Anyways, I don’t plan on this happening again.
This weekend on the 29th April was Dewey’s 24 Hour Readathon and this was my first time participating in it. If you don’t know, it is a readathon where everyone starts at the time around the world and reads for 24 hours while sharing their progress. I must say I had a lot of fun doing this and I’m already anticipating the next one in October.
Diary of a Wimpy Kid by Jeff Kinney (Review of Books 1 and 2)
Genre: Humor, Children
My Rating: 3 stars
P.S I Like You by Kasie West- Mini Book Review
Genre: Young Adult, Contemporary, Romance
My Rating: 4.5 stars
Mudmen – The Quest For Humanity by Shitij Sharma (Book Review)
Genre: Fiction, Fantasy, Post-Apocalyptic
My Rating: 4.5 stars
I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.
Mudmen is the second book by author Shitij Sharma. It is a stark contrast from his first book The Girl From Rostov which is a thriller. The story begins when a man wipes out the whole world and creates a new one with a magical quill and creatures called mudmen are born. He hopes to create a better world but some things go wrong and the new creatures created are not what he expected.
Some Unique Books I’ve Read Recently (Top 10 Tuesday #8)
Top 10 Tuesday is a weekly book meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. For future Top Ten Tuesday topics & info on how to participate, click here.
Once in a while, we find a story that is refreshing and different. It’s rare that books like these come up nowaday and when they do, it’s like finding treasure. Today’s post is all about some of the most unique books I have read recently read.