Book Review: Constant Guests by Patricia Nedelea


Constant Guests

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Genre: Historical Fiction, Mystery, Fantasy

My Rating: 4 stars

I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review

Constant Guests is the debut novel of Patricia Nedelea. It is a mixture of historical fiction, mystery and fantasy. It consists of four story-lines set in present-day France; Translyvania, 1991; Tuscany, 1389 and Patmos, c.100.

Quotes of the Week #9: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K Rowling

Hello everyone! I present to you my last installment of my favorite quotes from the Harry Potter series:

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Image result for deathly hallows book

Book Review: Girlgoyle (Hollow Mountain Butterfly, Book 1) by Better Hero Army


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Genre: Young Adult, Paranormal, Fantasy

My Rating: 4 stars

I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.

Girlgoyle is the story of 14 year old Tiffany who is killed in her bedroom by a ghost called Bones. The story continues as she is immersed into an unfamiliar world filled with gargoyles.

Book Spotlight & Giveaway: A Secondhand Life by Pamela Crane

A Secondhand Life:
(The Killer Thriller Series Book 1)
by Pamela Crane
Genre: A compelling serial killer thriller
**”A Secondhand Life” is a standalone psychological thriller
featuring characters also found in the companion novella, “A
Secondhand Lie.”**
2016 New Apple Literary Award in Psychological Thrillers, First Place Winner

2016 Reader’s Favorite Award in Thrillers, First Place Winner

2015 Library Journal selection

2016 Chanticleer Clue Awards nominee
2016 Silver Falchion Best Fiction nominee

Book Review: Boy Meets Boy by David Levithan

Boy Meets Boy

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Genre: Young Adult, Contemporary, Romance, LGBT

My Rating: 5 stars

Boy Meets Boy is the first book I’ve read by David Levithan. It follows the story of Paul, a cheerful high school student when he meets Noah. I discovered this book when I came across its audiobook and decided to give it a try.

The first thing I would like to say is that I am very, very glad I read this book 😀

Book Review: Tompkin’s School: For The Extraordinarily Talented (Tompkin’s School, Book 1) by Tabi Slick


Tompkin's School: For The Extraordinarily Talented (Tompkin's School Trilogy Book 1)

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Genre: Young Adult, Paranormal, Fantasy

My Rating: 4 stars

I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.

Tompkin’s School: For The Extraordinarily Talented by Tabi Slick is a thrilling YA paranormal book. It follows the story of Izara Torvik when she moves to a boarding school in Oklahoma with her twin brother Kain. They soon discover that there is something sinister about the school and find something weird happening to them in the midst of it.

The book starts a bit slow but soon becomes very intriguing and mysterious. The writing is simple and good. I liked that the book was organized and well paced.

Book Review: Amy & Roger’s Epic Detour by Morgan Matson

Amy & Roger's Epic Detour

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Genre: Young Adult, Contemporary

My Rating: 4.5 stars

Amy & Roger’s Epic Detour is a heartwarming YA, stand-alone book by Morgan Matson. Amy is dealing with her father’s death and Roger has problems of his own. The book follows them on a road trip to Connecticut.

This is the first time I read a road-trip book and it was this aspect that drew me to this it.

Book Review: Kings or Pawns (Steps of Power: The Kings, Book I) by J.J Sherwood

Kings or Pawns (Steps of Power #1; The Kings #1)

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Genre: Adult High Fantasy

My Rating : 5 stars

I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.

You know that wonderful feeling when you’ve found an amazing new series and you just know that you’re gonna spend a lot of time reading and thinking about it?

That’s what I’m feeling right now.

Top 5 Wednesday #5: Unlikable Characters

Top 5 Wednesday is a weekly meme created by Lainey from Ginger Reads Lainey and is now hosted by Samantha from Thoughts on Tomes. You can also check out the Goodreads group.

Hey guys! I know I’m very late in uploading this post but my laptop isn’t working and i didn’t want to leave this topic as I had written it beforehand.

So the topic was “Most Unlikable Characters” (These should lean more towards characters who aren’t intentionally unlikable. Not villains, or mean girl/guys, etc.)

Top 5 Wednesday #4: Most Recent Additions To My Wishlist

Top 5 Wednesday is a weekly meme created by Lainey from Ginger Reads Lainey and is now hosted by Samantha from Thoughts on Tomes. You can also check out the Goodreads group.

This weeks topic is “Most Recent Additions to Your Wishlist” or “Books you are dying to get your hands on for your collection”. So here are my picks:

Quotes of the Week #6: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K Rowling

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Harry Potter, #4)

Hi everybody! Hope you’re all doing well!

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is oneof my favorite books from the series. I loved reading about the Triwizard tournament.

So here are my favorite quotes from this amazing book:

Book Beginnings and The Friday 56 #3: Egg and Spoon By Gregory Mcguire

Hi! This is my third post of these  wonderful memes. The book I’ll be be writing about today is Egg and Spoon by Gregory Mcguire. Its a historical fiction, fantasy book that I recently found. I’m currently listening to the audiobook version of this book and really enjoying it. It is very well done and the narration is quite good.

Quotes of the Week #4: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K Rowling

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Harry Potter, #2)

Hello readers! Sorry I haven’t posted any quotes in the last few weeks but I’ll try my best to be consistent now.

Here are my favorite quotes from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets:

Quotes Of The Week #3: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J.K Rowling

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Harry Potter, #1)

Hi everyone! Its time for another Quotes of the Week post.

For a long time, I have wanted to make a list of my favorite quotes from the Harry Potter series and it looks like I’m finally getting to it! So I’m gonna start with the first book this week and post quotes from the other books in the series every other week.

So here are my favorite quotes from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J.K Rowling