Rafflesia- The Banished Princess by Gautam (Book Review)

Rafflesia the Banished Princess



Genre: Contemporary

My Rating: 3.5 stars

Rafflesia The Banished Princess is the story of Appu’s life and struggles. It starts from his childhood and tells us about the bonds and friendships he makes throughout his life. His favorite story is that of a princess called Rafflesia and when things get tough, he wishes to stay in the story forever.                                                                                                                 

Decieved by Heena Rathore P. – An Upcoming Psychological Thriller: Book Spotlight

Hey everyone! Today, I wanted to let you all know about an upcoming psychological thriller that I’m really excited for. I will be reviewing this book soon so keep an eye out for that! Below is everything you need to know:


Used Books Haul- Indian Books, Harry Potter and a re-read (April 2017)

Hi everyone! How are you all doing? In the beginning of this month, I went shopping and I came across a bookshop that had a lot of used novels in it and was selling them at a reasonable price. I got 6 books from there which is the largest number of books I’ve ever bought together.


South Seas Shenanigans by Abby L. Vandiver: Book Spotlight

South Seas Shenanigans Cover.jpg

About The Book

It’s the sixth installment of an Amazon #1 Best Selling cozy mystery series by Author Abby Vandiver! South Seas Shenanigans continue the adventures of amateur sleuths, Logan Dickerson, archaeologist, and Vivienne Pennywell, aka, Miss Vivee, a five-foot nothing, ninety-something Voodoo herbalist.

Authors I Want To Read More From

Hey everyone! This is a list of authors whose one or two books I have already read and I want to read more books by them in the future. I have quite a lot of authors for this list so I will be doing it in two parts. I’ll post the second part of this post soon.

Book Spotlight: Dreaming Sophia by Melissa Muldoon

Hey everyone! Today, I have a very interesting book recommendation for you. Dreaming Sophia by Melissa Muldoon is an exciting blend of Italy, language, art, and culture. Do check it out if it seems interesting to you. Below is all the information you need:

Dreaming Sophia flat.jpg


Book Spotlight: The Last Grand Master by Andrew Q. Gordon

Hey everyone! Today I wanted to let you all know about a fantasy book. Do check it out if it seems interesting to you! Below is everything you need to know:

The Last Grand Master By Andrew Q. Gordon
Genre: Fantasy/SciFi

Displaying the-last-grand-master.jpeg

The Last Grand Master is free by subscribing here:

About the Book

In a war that shook the earth, the six gods of Nendor defeated their brother Neldin, God of Evil. For three thousand years, Nendor and the Seven Kingdoms have known peace and prosperity and Neldin’s evil was nearly forgotten.

My 2016 Reading Review

Even though I only read 74 books in 2016 in caparison to 145 books in 2015, it was still a pretty good reading year. I tried some great new authors and read many good books. Besides this, the highlight of 2016 for me is this blog. I started Travelling Through Words and worked on it. I designed my own banner. I posted book reviews and a lot of other posts. I made connections with other bloggers, bookstagrammers and authors. For me, these are the best accomplishments I made this year.

I also completed my 1 year blogging anniversary this month. With this, I want to give a huge thank you to all the people who read my posts, followed my blog, commented on it, liked it and just everyone who supported me. THANK YOU SO MUCH <3

All this said, lets get started with my 2016 reading journey!

Book Beginnings and The Friday 56 #3: Egg and Spoon By Gregory Mcguire

Hi! This is my third post of these  wonderful memes. The book I’ll be be writing about today is Egg and Spoon by Gregory Mcguire. Its a historical fiction, fantasy book that I recently found. I’m currently listening to the audiobook version of this book and really enjoying it. It is very well done and the narration is quite good.