Ignite by Danielle Rogland: Book Review (A Dystopian New Release)


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Genre: Dystopia, Science Fiction, Young Adult

My Rating: 4.5 stars

I received this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

Ignite by Danielle Rogland is a dystopian book. It follows the story of Jacks who has been living on the streets of London Ruins as a pickpocket ever since her parents were killed by the Empire. The Empire is the ruler of London Ruins. Jacks discovers the Flames while they are carrying out a mission and eventually joins them. The Flames is a rebel group who carries out missions against the Empire.  

First Book Haul Post (January – March 2017)

Hello everyone!! So I’ve never posted a book haul before but I’ve wanted to for such a long time. The thing is I only buy about 1 or 2 books a month, only sometimes more. I always thought I don’t have many books to include in a book haul post. But now I’ve decided I’ll post a book haul whenever I’ve acquired a few book.

This haul includes all the books I’ve got in the first three months of 2017. It has a total of 9 books – 3 of these I bought myself, 4 were sent to me to review and 2 of these I won from giveaways.

Book Review: Take the Body and Run by Jada Ryker (Macey Malloy Mysteries with a Chick-Lit Twist: Book 1)


Take the Body and Run (Macey Malloy Mysteries with a Chick-Lit Twist Book 1)

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Genre: Humor, Mystery

My Rating: 3.5 stars

I received an ARC of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review

 Take the Body and Run by Jada Ryker follows the story of Macey Malloy  when she starts a new job in the college employee relations department at a university. While she is trying to deal with all the craziness in her office, she also thinks she might be in danger. We come to know that she has taken a new identity and is hiding a secret.

Spring TBR (March-April): Top 10 Tuesday #7

Top 10 Tuesday is a weekly book meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. For future Top Ten Tuesday topics & info on how to participate, click here.

Hi everyone! How are you all? My exams just got over and I’m soo relieved. I’ve got a one month break before my last year of high school starts and I am planning to read and write a lot in this month. These are the books I’m planning to read in the remaining days of March and in April. Its quite a long list but I really need to get to these books soon.



Book Review: Angel in the Shadows by Amy Deason

Angel in the Shadows

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Genre: Romance

My Rating: 3 stars

I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.

Angel in the Shadows is a dark romance book by Amy Deason. It follows the story of Madison  who is a simple photographer when she meets Seth Reynolds at a charity event. Her life is turned upside down and she faces one danger after another.

Authors I Want To Read More From

Hey everyone! This is a list of authors whose one or two books I have already read and I want to read more books by them in the future. I have quite a lot of authors for this list so I will be doing it in two parts. I’ll post the second part of this post soon.

Book Spotlight: Dreaming Sophia by Melissa Muldoon

Hey everyone! Today, I have a very interesting book recommendation for you. Dreaming Sophia by Melissa Muldoon is an exciting blend of Italy, language, art, and culture. Do check it out if it seems interesting to you. Below is all the information you need:

Dreaming Sophia flat.jpg


Book Review: As If It Was Yesterday by Henrike G. Forschler


As If It Was Yesterday

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Genre: Romance

My Rating: 2 stars

I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.

As If It Was Yesterday by Henrike G. Forschler is the love story of Jonathan and Saphhire. It is told over a period of many years. It is about two people who are away from each other but are constantly trying to find their way back .

February 2017 Wrap-Up

Hi everyone! How was February for you? It was a stressful month for me. I had a few tests this month and I have my final exams staring from Thursday. Despite all this, I managed to read 4 books. You can also see my January Wrap-Up here.

Book Review: Constant Guests by Patricia Nedelea


Constant Guests

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Genre: Historical Fiction, Mystery, Fantasy

My Rating: 4 stars

I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review

Constant Guests is the debut novel of Patricia Nedelea. It is a mixture of historical fiction, mystery and fantasy. It consists of four story-lines set in present-day France; Translyvania, 1991; Tuscany, 1389 and Patmos, c.100.

Guest Post & Giveaway: Sweet Southern Hearts by Susan Schild

Sweet Southern Hearts

Author: Susan Schild

Publisher: Lyrical Press

Genre: Contemporary Women’s Fiction

Susan Schild welcomes you back to the offbeat Southern town of Willow Hill, North Carolina, for a humorous, heartwarming story of new beginnings, do-overs, and

Book Review: Girlgoyle (Hollow Mountain Butterfly, Book 1) by Better Hero Army


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Genre: Young Adult, Paranormal, Fantasy

My Rating: 4 stars

I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.

Girlgoyle is the story of 14 year old Tiffany who is killed in her bedroom by a ghost called Bones. The story continues as she is immersed into an unfamiliar world filled with gargoyles.

Book Review: The Reflections of Queen Snow White by David Meredith

The Reflections of Queen Snow White

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Genre: Fairy Tale Retelling

My Rating: 4 stars

I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review

The Reflections of Queen Snow White by David Meredith is the story of an aging Queen Snow White who has been in grief ever since her husband died. In the beginning, we see that Snow White is very disturbed and depressed even though her daughter’s wedding is about to commence. She is distracted and has no interest in the wedding affairs.The book follows as she is confronted with a mirror that forces her to relive her past and take a look at what her life has become.