The Last Attractor Of Chaos by Abhinav Singh (Book Review)

The Last Attractor Of Chaos

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  • Genre: Thriller
  • Publisher: Notion Press
  • Pages: 332
  • Format: Kindle
  • Source: Review Copy
  • My Rating: 5 stars

Demons in my Mind: When Mind Becomes Our Biggest Enemy by Aashish Gupta

Hi everyone! Today, I wanted to tell you guys about a psychological thriller book that I’m currently reading and enjoying. I will be reviewing it soon. Here’s everything you need to know:


Unlawful Justice by Vish Dhamija (Book Review)

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  • Genre: Thriller, Mystery, Crime
  • Publisher: HarperCollins India
  • Release Date: May 2017
  • Pages: 308
  • Format: Paperback
  • My Rating: 4.5 stars

Book Review: Take the Body and Run by Jada Ryker (Macey Malloy Mysteries with a Chick-Lit Twist: Book 1)


Take the Body and Run (Macey Malloy Mysteries with a Chick-Lit Twist Book 1)

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Genre: Humor, Mystery

My Rating: 3.5 stars

I received an ARC of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review

 Take the Body and Run by Jada Ryker follows the story of Macey Malloy  when she starts a new job in the college employee relations department at a university. While she is trying to deal with all the craziness in her office, she also thinks she might be in danger. We come to know that she has taken a new identity and is hiding a secret.

Book Review: Angel in the Shadows by Amy Deason

Angel in the Shadows

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Genre: Romance

My Rating: 3 stars

I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.

Angel in the Shadows is a dark romance book by Amy Deason. It follows the story of Madison  who is a simple photographer when she meets Seth Reynolds at a charity event. Her life is turned upside down and she faces one danger after another.

February 2017 Wrap-Up

Hi everyone! How was February for you? It was a stressful month for me. I had a few tests this month and I have my final exams staring from Thursday. Despite all this, I managed to read 4 books. You can also see my January Wrap-Up here.

Book Review: Constant Guests by Patricia Nedelea


Constant Guests

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Genre: Historical Fiction, Mystery, Fantasy

My Rating: 4 stars

I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review

Constant Guests is the debut novel of Patricia Nedelea. It is a mixture of historical fiction, mystery and fantasy. It consists of four story-lines set in present-day France; Translyvania, 1991; Tuscany, 1389 and Patmos, c.100.

Book Spotlight: Heartache & Sin by Charles Soto

Displaying heartache banner.png

Hey everyone! Today I wanted to let you all know about a virtual book tour that is currently happening for a suspense book. Below is everything you need to know:

Book Review: The Resurrection Of Evil by Neelabh Pratap Singh

The Resurrection of Evil

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Genre: Mythological Thriller

My Rating: 4.5 stars

I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review

The Resurrection Of Evil by Neelabh Pratap Singh is a mythological thriller set in India. The plot is centered around a pot that is stolen from the National Museum.

The book starts with a man killing his wife in a moment of anger. Right after this, we are bombarded with crime scenes one after the other. In the middle of these, we are introduced to our hero ACP Aryan.