Stacking the Shelves #4 ||May-July Book Haul

Hi everyone! How are you all?

First of all, I’d like to apologize for not actively posting here. I didn’t plan on falling into a blogging slump especially at a time when I do have time to write and post. Anyways, the reason is that I have just started college and things have been busy and stressful and I’ve also been very busy. But I plan to let go of all that and focus on being productive.

Underrated Books

Stacking the Shelves #3 ||First 2018 Book Haul (Jan-April)

Hi everyone! A book haul on this blog is long overdue. So today I’m sharing with you the books I acquired in the last few months.

Books I Read This Month

Stacking The Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga Reviews. It’s all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course Ebooks! If you want to find out more about Stacking The Shelves, please visit the official launch page!  

My Favorite Books Of 2017

The best books I read this year!

Its that time of the year again when we look back and decide which books we loved the most among all others. For this year, I picked my favorite book from each genre that I read. There are a total of 10 books on this list and they are roughly in order of least loved to most loved. I obviously recommend all of these books.                                                             

All The Books I Read in 2017

65 Books

Hi everyone! How are you all?

Before I post my favorite reads of the year, I thought it would be fun to show you guys all the books I read in 2017. Since there are 65 books, I’m only going to tell you their names. I have categorized the books according to their genres.

Click on the names and it will take you either to my review of that book or the Goodreads page. Let’s get started 😀                                                                                                                        

Books I Read A Long Time Ago

Hey everyone! How are you all?

I have been reading longer than I’ve been blogging and because of that, there are many books I’ve read but haven’t mentioned them here. So I went down the reading memory lane and made a list of books I read a long time ago. I have divided them into parts and the next one will up soon as well.

The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants series by Ann Brashares

The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants (Sisterhood, #1)

Ten Book Series I Want To Finish

Hey everyone!

For the last year or so, I haven’t been big on series. I have started a few series but haven’t completed any. I used to binge read series but I guess I have just lost the patience to do that and I simply read more stand-alones now. So today I’m gonna share with you all the series that I do plan to finish.

1. The Dark Artifices by Cassandra Clare

Image result for the dark artifices

Down The TBR Hole #2| Sorting Through Goodreads TBR Shelf

Another one because these posts are both satisfying and fun to do!

Down The TBR Hole was created by Lost in a Story!

The Rules:

  • Go to your goodreads to-read shelf.
  • Order on ascending date added.
  • Take the first 5 (or 10 if you’re feeling adventurous) books
  • Read the synopses of the books
  • Decide: keep it or should it go?
  • Keep track of where you left off so you can pick up there next week!

Click on the book titles to go to their Goodreads/Amazon page.

Non-Fiction Recommendations #NonFictionNovember

Hi everyone! How are you all doing? This month is #nonfictionnovember and I couldn’t be more happy about that. Non-fiction and self-help are genres that I’ve been loving lately. I’m currently in the middle of a few titles as well and I’ll write about them in my wrap-up. For now, I’m going to share with you guys my five favorite non-fiction books.

Books I Want To Read Before 2017 Ends

Hi everyone! How are you all doing?

Its September and there are only 3 and half months left before this year ends. I made a list in February called My To-Be-Read Books. It was basically a list of books I wanted to read this year. As the months passed, I read some of them and decided to not read some of them. So in conclusion, I have 7 books at the moment that I want to read before this year ends. Most of the books on this list are quite long but I’m determined to finish all of them. So let’s get started-

3 Self-Help Books On My Radar (Bookish Discovery #4)

Hi everyone! I have recently been really interested in self-help books. They may seem boring and preachy but I’ve come to realize that a lot of them are actually pretty interesting and useful. I definitely plan to read more self-help and non-fiction books in the future. Today, I wanted to share with you all the ones that I am most excited about.

Bookish Discovery This Week is a weekly meme hosted by me and Mridula from Ecstatic Yet Chaotic. In this, we talk about something new that we discovered which is book related. It can be something that is recently created or discovered or it can be something old that you just discovered or you are interested in. Basically anything that is related to books. You can also share some news or talk about something that caught your eye. All book lovers are welcome to join us 🙂

Indian Books I’ve Recently Added To My TBR List (Top 10 Tuesday #9)

Top 10 Tuesday is a weekly book meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. For future Top Ten Tuesday topics & info on how to participate, click here.

My Classics TBR

A major part of the books I own are classics, and a huge portion of that part is unread.

I say that classical literature is one my favorite genres. That is mainly because I have enjoyed almost every classic I have read so far. I love the long stories, the complex plots and the beautiful writing. However, I cant deny the fact that classics take much more time and effort to read than other books. Because of this, I always lag behind on reading them.

Today I want to share with you all some classic books that are sitting on my shelf unread.